
line twist first jump

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hi ppl i had a line twist first jump' (wow i know ty)

i would just like to post here that today i did my first time aff jump never having jumped out of a plane ever ever ever.

after i deployed my chute opened very fast as in i almost got to count 1000 before opening shock.

i looked up and seen a line twist and grabed my risers and pull it out very easily. (ty god or my instructors)

landed fairly nicely (on my butt)

make sure you keep going over every thing the hole time

it made it even better to have a small hiccup on my first jump as i seen a line twist and just did what i was told and showen and kept going and will be going again soon i hope :)

cutting away catch u up later

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LOL congrats on your first jump ;)

Getting linetwists is really not an incident, get used to them :P if you do static line chances are you'll get linetwists about every 2nd-3rd jump, for AFF the chances are less but it still can happen easily.

Linetwists are only a problem if they are still there when you are at your decision altitude, but it seems you handled yours before that so good on you :)

ciel bleu,

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Glad to hear your first jump went well. The line twist you report isn't really a malfunction or incident. Indeed, line twists are very common among beginners, mostly due to body position, although in the AFF program the position of the instructors may also cause some minor asymmetrical deployment leading to line twists.

If you (or others) are interested in discussing common line twists (as opposed to specific incidents that begin with significant line twists, I'd suggest you take the discussion to the "general" forum.

I don't mean to diminish the line twist experience you had on your first jump, but rather to keep this forum tightly edited so we have quick access to uncommon and serious incidents.

'see ya in the sky....
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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