
What movie scared you as a kid???

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The Wizard of Oz.

Something about those freaky flying monkeys would just get me every year. I'd flee the room, and hide under the bed. Of course, now that I've actually met some flying monkeys, it's all good, but still...as a child...geesh!


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The f**king Wizard of Oz. First saw it when I was six. Don't know why, but Miss Gulch on her bicycle terrified me (aren't kids strange that way ?). From there things went straight downhill; the Witch, the monkeys (oh my god, those flying monkeys...), and the "yo-ree-oh" guys marching around the gate of the castle. I didn't want to watch it. But my lovely mother MADE me watch it because it was a "children's" movie. Now of course the whole thing's a laugh (except Miss Gulch still gives me the willies).

By the way, check out watching the Wizard with the sound turned off. Put on Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon". Wait for the MGM lion to roar, and on the third roar (OK, so now turn the sound off), start up the Pink Floyd. It really works, they synched that album to the film.

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Submarines have always scared me. Lurking silently in the water... and street cleaners - I thought they'd suck me up as a little kid playing in the yard.

Movies, anything gory as a kid.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Jaws. I was 12. I was freaked for months. Didn't help that my dad said it was all robots. I was convinced "they" were gonna replace my parents with robots and lift our apartment building with 6 skycrane helicopters and drop it in the shark-infested ocean.

Nothing ever scared me again.


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Jaws got me a bit too. We had a nice in-ground swimming pool when I was a kid...and for some stupid reason, I thought Jaws could slip in through the drain. Also, swimming in lakes or worse yet, the ocean, was never quite the same afterwards.:o

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Jaws got me a bit too. We had a nice in-ground swimming pool when I was a kid...and for some stupid reason, I thought Jaws could slip in through the drain. Also, swimming in lakes or worse yet, the ocean, was never quite the same afterwards.:o

oh god that was the worse... especially those creepy cold spots when you're swimming in a lake... I always thought it meant jaws was right under me.

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Night of the Living Dead gave me nightmares for weeks. Also, the Birds creeped me out. Now I think the Birds is a classic.

Also, the Shining...also a classic.

The worst of all was "Cape Fear". I still can't watch that movie all the way through.



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Night of the Living Dead gave me nightmares for weeks. Also, the Birds creeped me out. Now I think the Birds is a classic.

Also, the Shining...also a classic.

I thought that this movie was definitely not scary. If anything it was entertaining.


The worst of all was "Cape Fear". I still can't watch that movie all the way through.

The original one or the one with DeNiro ? I love that movie! I saw that movie and Body Parts for the first time while I was tripping on acid. Those freaked me out. I saw them both again a few years ago, and they weren't as "colorful" as I thought they were.;)

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Night of the Living Dead is great. You just have to love the ending. Any _____ of the (Living) Dead after that one were complete stinkfests.

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I was watching TV and saw a commercial for Nightmare on Elm Street and it made me think back to how that movie use to scare the pants off me when I was a Little Mocha.

Yep, that's the one that freaked me out the most! You couldn't get me to go down into the basement for anything!

Then I'd be trying to get to sleep at night and that creepy song would keep going through my head with images of those little girls jumping rope.

1 2 Freddy's Coming For You...
3 4 Better Lock Your Door...
5 6 Grab Your Crucifix...
7 8 Gonna Stay Up Late...
9 10 Never Sleep Again!
(Great, so much for getting to sleep tonight!)


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