
Your Porn Name

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I'm much more partial to the middle name - present street name idea... It gives me:

Stephen John-StiverB|

which sounds much more like a valid porn-name, if you ask me, than:

Speedy Balltray[:/]

Which I get with my first pet (turtle) and childhood street name.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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lol it was kinda funny when I heard it too.

we had a fat little dog so we named it..Pudgie( I was too young to have part in naming her.
she was with us til I was like 10. she was the coolest dog in the world!:D

you know the name of the street...

but waht abou tsiblings...they cant have the same name!:o
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Ive heard the name before but Im not sure I should say yea or niegh to that question!

That would all depend on how you want the world to see you. Try peternorth.com? :ph34r:

Bum's the word!

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