
Self cooling beer????

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but real men cool their beer with a jet engine.

Good article. 1 question.

How the hell is the guy supplying the center bearing of that turbo with pressurized oil??

I can see some plumbing to the bearing on one of the pix, but if that puppy goes dry, or overheats - bad things will happen, quickly.

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How the hell is the guy supplying the center bearing of that turbo with pressurized oil??

a drill hooked up to an oil pump of a ford escort
(read the article)
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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SWEET! Remember those Warsteiner mini-kegs? Do they still make those? Haven't seen one in a while....


...you get Warsteiner minikegs in the U.S.? one of the worst german beers? Hm, seems to me that the breweries here export the stuff they can't sell in Germany.

Are there other german beers tu buy in the U.S.?
Becks and Löwenbräu i guess, and WUAAHHHsteiner but what else?

hello from munich,


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Hate to tell you Captiain Funky, but the Var is far superior to damn near anything brewed on the 'empty continent'.

In Canada we've had the Varsteiner kegs for about 3-4 years and the mainline breweries are now picking up on the idea. Guess what they call them...?

Yup, something apropriately redneck... "Bubba" ... you should see the commercials...

PS: I agree that Varsteiner is not my favorite European beer - but it sure beats Budweiser

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