
i can't beleive i told my Mum !!!!

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Now i know it's gonna sound childish, but my mother just arrived last night from France to visit me for 1 and 1/2 month which would be super cool if not for one problem, i was convinced i could never tell her that i skydive!!!
and it was driving me crasy>:(, i took all picture and any trace of the sport away from my place, and was trying to see when i could sneak out for a jump...

She is the type that worries about everything; :(

BUT last night i was trying to tell her some of my friends fly airplane ( i thought that would sound better) if she wanted to go for a ride... and she said she is scared of planes...so that didn't work, but then i couldn't hold it any longer "how about Parachutism, want to try ?"
and she told me : " oh, i 've always wanted to try that!!!! ":o :$ :)
Imagine that!!!!it was awsome...

Now my goal for the next month is to get her to do a tandem, she thinks she is too old (55) and she doesn't speak much english (who cares)

any idea or good arguments i could give her ???

Live the sky!!


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That's awesome that your mom responded that way!:)
If it's something she always wanted to do, maybe you won't have that hard of a time convincing her. Is she coming up on a birthday soon where you can give her a gift certificate (probably homemade - that way in case she really decides she doesn't want to do it, you won't have spent the money already).

Good luck!

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Sweet! My mom's the same age and wants to do a tandem too! Do a google search for "Woman, old, skydive" and you'll see lots of articles about women in their 80's and 90's still jumping!:)
Congrats on coming out of the closet!:P

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she thinks she is too old (55) and she doesn't speak much english (who cares)

My father is 85, legally blind, and fairly deaf. He just made his first tandem jump a couple of months ago. His tandem master said that he has a steady birthday customer -- so far she's come out for her 85th, 86th & 87th birthdays, and she's already scheduled for her upcoming 88th.

I posted pictures of my dad's jump on dz.com right after it happened -- let me know if you want proof to show her

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Now my goal for the next month is to get her to do a tandem, she thinks she is too old (55) and she doesn't speak much english (who cares)

any idea or good arguments i could give her ???/reply]

I started skydiving last year when I was 57. She's not too old.


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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she thinks she is too old (55) and she doesn't speak much english (who cares)


English? Who cares is right. Jumping is a universal language!
And as for her age, she's YOUNG! Remind her that you're only as old as you feel, and if that doesn't work, we just had an 89-yr-old lady and her 80-something brother come out for a birthday tandem jump, and they loved it...the woman couldn't walk by herself, but she landed on her feet.
So, there's no such thing as "too old", it's all in your head!

Blondes do have more fun!

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His tandem master said that he has a steady birthday customer -- so far she's come out for her 85th, 86th & 87th birthdays, and she's already scheduled for her upcoming 88th.

You just know that woman is telling her kids...
"Next time we go out for my birthday, let's take my car. Yours is so drafty. Where does all this wind come from?" :ph34r:

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Natasha, I'll be happy to take you mom on that tandem...she's definitely not too old, my dad did his first jump at 70, and I took him on a tandem for his birthday last year when he turned 77, so the age ain't nothing.
On a different topic...did you tell her about your first 4-way? ;) Pretty hard to explain that one without the skydiving context, huh? At least it would be in MY family...

Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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did you tell her about your first 4-way? Pretty hard to explain that one without the skydiving context, huh? At least it would be in MY family...

Thanks Mike,
Yeap, i haven' t mention the 4 way yet:P but it's coming, i already sjhowed her all the pictures and the videos i had!!!
hopefully by the end of this month i'll have her convinced...

Live the sky


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Natacha tell her you know a very nice jumpmaster who has French parents who would love to take her on a skydive...

Now , now Seb,
are you sure about the Very Nice Jumpmaster ?... how about these videos....

on a serious note,
the best part is she wanted to do it all along, but never had time or opportunity (and she'is a bit nervous)
you sure you can speak a little french :P ?
that would probably come in handy:)

live the sky


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I was going to mention beer, but Natasha trained at Hollister, she knows and understands beer rules thoroughly ;)...I think it's part of the Level 7 TLOs.

And since Seb has stepped up, I'll take her on her NEXT tandem, OK?
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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Can I just ask, In the BPA if you want to do a tandem but are 50 or over then you need a doctor to sign the medical form, is there anything like this in the USPA? B|

I've never heard of that before, here in the USA. When my dad did a tandem, he didn't need to have a medical evaluation.

But I'm not sure.You never know nowadays.

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The need for waivers for older/disabled folks varies from dropzone to dropzone. Here in Houston, one dz wanted a special waiver, the other one didn't care.

In a way it's a good thing the idea was at least suggested -- one of the friends that wanted to jump with my dad turned out not to be able to because he has a pacemaker. Since he's unbelievably fit (nationally-ranked seniors softball player, long-distance runner), it never dawned on him that it might not be a good idea.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Great to hear that your mom wants to jump. I agree with others here, bring her to the DZ. This past weekend we set a new Michigan record (52 way) and this 80 year old wuffo got inspired and did her first tandem that day, my buddy the TM said she had a great time (and like many people she wished she jumped sooner in her life)

Don´t belive the hype

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If your mom's French, tell her the French invented parachutes and skydiving, which is basically the truth. That way it becomes a matter of national pride and duty. Play a recording of The Marsallaise (sp ? - you know, the French nat'l anthem). Play it really loud.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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