
sad day

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the need to be there in the final moments really depends on the person.

for me, it was important as a part of closure.
i was with him almost all the time in the vet hospital, most of it sitting in the cage with him...
i was there when the CPR was going on, and when it all ended.

not many things can make me cry, this memory brings tears to my eyes almost every day...


"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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I am so sorry. I know that feeling all too well. Luckily, our horse vet lives 2 houses down, and whenever we have put a dog or horse to sleep, she has come over to do it at our house with family and other animals around. As hard as it is, I think having you there with them is the best thing you can do.

And for those who have several animals, make sure the live ones are allowed to say their goodbyes. It can be very traumatizing to a dog / cat / horse etc, when their friend is just suddenly "gone". Letting them say their goodbyes will help them deal with it. Yes - pets grieve.

Sending you best wishes. I am sure you gave your dog a wonderful life full of love.


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