
how to spot them?

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I hate to see new people get labeled as TROLLS simply because their profile is incomplete, or they state an unpopular opinion or ask a "newbie" question.

But this guy is so obviously a TROLL! Come on! Did you see his post in the woman's forum??


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HI lou - so i havent been insulted huh? if you look up this thread i have been called a "fucking dumbass" and "butt ugly" - it seems that your post sounds the most threatening saying that i wont last long. you dont seem very welcoming to new skydivers.

Emma thanks for your advice - have you got a boyfriend ?


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Hmm, I admit that some of his other questions sound rather naive. However, I still think you HAVE to give newbies the benefit of the doubt. What is better - to totally put someone off the sport because you've refused to take their supposedly 'dumb' questions seriously, or to risk making YOURSELF look a little dumb by responding as best as you can? I know what I prefer...

Re. his canopy swooping question, for all you skygods out there - canaopy colour CAN make a difference, certainly to pack volume - and while you and I might know from experience that it won't actually affect flight characteristics, black does get hotter than white, especially if you jump somewhere like AZ B|...

I think you should maybe cut the guy some slack (especially if he is really as ugly and unattractive to women as he says!). Oh and yes, I do have a bf, but thanks for asking ;)


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No no I think you have it wrong.

If he's on your team it means he's straight.

If he plays for the other team it means he's gay.

Since you say he plays on your team, there's your answer!;)

well that depends on WHICH TEAM HE PLAYS FOR!:o
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im still posting if thats what you mean. wots wrong with the post? why would it get locked? i dont think ive been rude or offensive to anybody (unlike them to me). i am simply discussing a topic that some people may find difficult to discuss - perhaps there are some with repressed feelings. :S. anyway i still trying to think of a way to approach the subject - can anyone suggest an opening line - without being rude...


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Well, like JT said earlier, try this one:

"Dude, are you gay?"

If he gets offended then it is HIS problem but you can prolly sort it out anyway.

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Dude, I wouldn't mine at all, I'd be concerned only if he tries to 'make a move', other than that, live and let live my friend.

What other people do behind closed doors, is none of my business.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Dude, I wouldn't mine at all, I'd be concerned only if he tries to 'make a move', other than that, live and let live my friend.

HAHA! I know what you mean IVan but Im gonna misconstrue your words to make a point.

most men are homophobic because they think that the gay men will treat them like they treat women.
kinda sad if you think about it.

also most men must be eogtistitc if they think they are that deisreable that gay men cant keep thier eyes off them! goes back to the way you treat women.

sorry for putitong words in your mouth Ivan. I KNOW YOU didnt SAY that but my comment was along the same point you were tyring to make!;)
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sorry for putitong words in your mouth Ivan. I KNOW YOU didnt SAY that but my comment was along the same point you were tyring to make!

Ok, let me elaborate, I don't mind at all if someone is gay and wants to be my friend or is already my friend, my point was, IF and ONLY IF that gay friend wants me as a 'different type of friend', I'll have to react of course, but I'll handle it maturely. I don't know what you mean about the 'treating like a woman' thing.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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With a name like "softopening" I'm surprised nobody has asked if your gay.

But seriously. Is it not knowing that bothers you?
I can understand your point about the team bonding though I guess. But you have missed the fact that this guy has one huge asset. NO! Not that. I have not even met the guy. He will probably be able to introduce you to heaps of single female friends.
Now thats the kind of buddy I would like to have around.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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Thanks so much for the great entertainment this morning. Wow, you sure get around, starting three new trolls in three different forums.
BTW, I think people would take you more serious if you filled in your profile with the correct information.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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