Best Opening Film Segment

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I wondered this last night when I turned on the TV at my girlfriend's house and there was Top Gun. The setting: AC carrier in the Indian Ocean, steam drifting across the deck filtering the rising sun. I turned the sound up all the way up even though it was 11 O'clock at night with her roommates asleep (fuck 'em). The hiss of turbine and rumble of afterburner filled the house along with a tapping drum backbeat. The Chief salutes, afterburners, the catapault rips the Tomcat across the water, Danger Zone.

"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I love the beginning of The Matrix (first one).

From memory:

Lieutenant: "I think our boys can handle one little girl. They're bringing her down now."

Agent Smith: "No Lieutenant, your men are already dead."


Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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I love the beginning of The Matrix (first one).

From memory:

Lieutenant: "I think our boys can handle one little girl. They're bringing her down now."

Agent Smith: "No Lieutenant, your men are already dead."



Oh YAH YAH!!!...that was a good one. I can't believe I forgot that one......definitely one of my favorites.

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Sound of Music.....Dammit!! Ok, I'll get a moderator to kill this one so I can start over. Oh, it brings out the little girl in me......


The Right Stuff... definitely. Forgot it since I haven't seen it in YEARS.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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The original Italian Job (OK so I'm a car guy too)

Playboy rich guy/criminal driving through the Italian Alps in a Lamborghini Miura (can we have a drooling icon plllease?) with some cheesy 60's lounge type music that goes with the scene of a drive in the mountains... all is so peaceful and then...

the car enters a tunnel and there's a cut to the other side where BAM!!!!! he drives straight into a front end loader that the Mafia have set up to get him. They then push the car off the edge of the road and it freestyles down into the river.


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Ok, I changed the subject to "Film." xXx, Fast and the Furious, other such "blockbuster" crap and etc, don't qualify.


I fail to see a distiction between the blockbusters of the past and the ones of the recent past.

I'm told that "films" such as Star Wars, Raiders and Jaws made a buck or two on their initial releases. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Yeah, should define my snobbery to contain some comment about the recent MTV crowd productions that market only for the opening weekend and then "fuck it" after that. I would say that the old Star Wars movies are films. The recent ones are advertisements for Jar-Jar Binks coffee mugs. When did the opening weekend hype REALLY go into overdrive? I think is was when Godzilla came out. That was hilarious. They sold more Godzilla merchandise before the movie than after.

Hey, I'm looking forward to seeing Faster and More Furious, or whatever, and I'll get drunk, watch it, and forget it in a year.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Oh no, not by any means.

Opening weekend numbers have -always- been very, very important to the Hollywood crowd. It's how they judge their success and it's how they position themselves in negotiations for their next movie deal.

Since 1928 or thereabouts with the success of Mickey Mouse there have -always- been merchandise tie-ins.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, all I know is that seeing the invasion of Normandy on the big screen taken with WWII era cameras completely blew me away.

Saving Private Ryan wins for me, hands down. The most realistic and horrifying war movie sequence ever. I remember reading that that opening actually cause some WWII vets to have flashbacks.
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I like the opener from Moonraker, guess it's actually the third scene, when Jaws pushes Roger Moore out the door without a rig. So James/Roger goes into a cool dive, catches up with B.J. Worth, beats Worth up and steals his rig. What a fabulous scene !

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I dunno. The opening scene of 'Brotherhood of the Wolf' is kick ass. It glued me in my seat at the theatre, and I rewound it a half dozen times when we rented it.

But from a Significant Film angle, the opening of the very first Star Wars wins hands down. That ship descending across the screen, so big and more realistic than anything that had been on the screen before... wow.:o

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Sorry man, you left out the best one "xXx".

I'll tell you what...not the best movie in the world, but that opening scene is kick ass. I have a pretty sweet home theater set up and that opening scene is the best use of surround sound I've seen yet. It almost made me jump off the couch.

Personally, I don't see what elitist cinematic qualities that top gun is supposed to have anyway. It was an action flick with some cheesy romance thrown in.

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I think the opening sequence in "xXx" totally kicked ass in just about every way. I was sitting there just thinking that it was what all the Bond flicks -should- have been for the last 20 or so years. It let's you know exactly who the character is, what motivates him, what sort of skill set he has -- sums up everything you need to know to begin the movie and has one of the best real stunts on film in years.

Top Gun is to aerial combat as Dropzone is to skydiving -- in other words -- pretty piss poor depiction of the way things are actually done.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I rather liked "The Spy Who Loved Me", great ski/BASE scene.

Oh god yes.

I remember sitting there watching it thinking, ok, he just skied off the cliff, something has to happen now. But the music stops and you just see him falling for what seems like forever. The entire theater was silent and all you could hear was the wind noise and you watched him falling and falling and then WHAM the canopy opens with a Brittish flag design and the Bond theme pumps up full volume. The freekin' theater went nuts!

Yes, THAT'S what a classic Bond flick opening sequence is supposed to be about.

Now, notice how many tributes to that sequence are in flicks today like the most recent Austin Powers movie "Goldmember" or actual Bond flick "Die Another Day". In "Goldmember" Eli (as Austin) is decked out in a fully over the top Brittish jumpsuit and pops a Brittish flag design canopy. In "Die Another Day" it's the villian that does the Brittish flag canopy gag for an enterance. I found that pretty freekin' funny because he looks so much like Austin Powers -- so we have a parody of a parody.

Even movies that aren't parodies of the Bond flicks pay homage to "The Spy Who Loved Me" and it's opening sequence.

For instance, you did notice the parasail canopy Harry O'Conner (as xXx) used in "xXx" right? Ok, not a Brittish flag motif, but a U.S. flag -- afterall he's an American agent, but clearly the intention is a nod to "The Spy Who Loved Me".

Hell, even the "Bond Girl" in "The Spy Who Loved me" was Agent "XXX". ;) Seriously, she was -- check it out!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Top Gun is to aerial combat as Dropzone is to skydiving -- in other words -- pretty piss poor depiction of the way things are actually done.

True - it's BS, but it's fun BS, and that's the point after all - entertainment.

I remember chatting with Majel Barrett a few years ago at a convention (I was working sound, light and video). A nerdy fanboy came up to us and started getting nitpicky with her over some kind of technical stuff on Trek. I told him, "Look. Lighten up - it's just BS!"

Majel took a sip from her (everpresent) wineglass, smiled at me and then said, "Yeah, but it's fun BS!" :D
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The opener in "The Spy Who Loved Me" is a classic - brings the house down. I still get a kick out of it.:D
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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