
Where do you put your stuff while jumping?

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With all this talk of traveling over the summer, I wondered where people put their stuff for safe keeping.

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I'm not a skygod, but I have a locker and a trailer. Generally, neither one is locked during the day while I'm jumping.

If I'm not at my home DZ, I leave my purse locked in my car, but its too much trouble to lock up my gear in between jumps.

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We all just put it everywhere on the floor in the corner of the hangar...it's always a HUGE dogpile of rig-bags, backpacks, and sleepingbags..

We all trust each-other...although this trust does backfire sometimes... :(
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Just don't leave it in the packing area at Perris if you want to see it again.>:(
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at my home DZ, everyone puts their stuff up against a wall somewhere in the hangar or packing area. so long as it's not in anyone's way. we have a very trustworthy group - and i know i never worry about what i have laying around getting lost, damaged, or stolen.

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My question is, what do people do during something like the WFFC?

I am going this year, but still not quite sure what to do with credit cards etc etc while I am jumping.

If people have a good idea, but do not want to post it on a public forum. Please pm me.

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for like WFFC and boogies etc, i've kept my stuff in my hanger or in our packing tent. there is always someone around. That and yeah, the most important things you take with you on the jump anyways. for like credit cards etc i lock it in my car, then i hide the keys. even if someone were to find my keys though, they wouldn't really know which car to try to get into, and i have an alarm with a pedal sequence.

at our dz we all know eachother, if there are only 4 of us there jumping though, we take our stuff and lock it in the office while we're in the air. if there is alteast one person on the ground we don't worry about it
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Where do you put your stuff while jumping?

I try to make sure my "stuff" is neatly tucked between my legstraps. The thought of a "quick" Sabre opening crushing a berry makes me feel not-so-good. B|

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I usually lock my wallet in my car. But my other stuff, well, if I'm jumping, it's on my body, right?

But yeah, sometimes when I'm not jumping my gear is on the floor in the hangar or whereever.

It always makes me sad when I read the Stolen Gear page in Parachutist. You'd like to believe that a skydiver wouldn't do that to another skydiver, but, well, some people just suck.
Speed Racer

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At our dropzone we have plastic tote boxes that slide under the packing table. We are a small DZ family, but there are the occasional unfamiliar faces and of course the tourists. Someone's chest-mount wandered away last month. So the totes are nice to keep things out of sight and safe from accidents.

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At our dropzone we have plastic tote boxes that slide under the packing table. We are a small DZ family, but there are the occasional unfamiliar faces and of course the tourists. Someone's chest-mount wandered away last month. So the totes are nice to keep things out of sight and safe from accidents.

you have a packing table???
How's that work,:D you stand up on the table and PRO pack up there:D
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How's that work, you stand up on the table and PRO pack up there

yup.. we have these "tables".. about 1. feet off the gound and we pack on them.. they also make an excelent place to sleep when ya pass out after drinking or laying around on durring weather holds.... it keeps the canopies off the floor where we have a known leak in our "bubble" (it really does look like a bubble) hanger.... plus it's the "designated" staff/tandem packing area... the rest of us underlings get to pack on the sometimes wet carpet closer to the door of the hanger.....

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My gear etc. goes "wherever." But particularly at boogies, I keep the credit card, tickets etc. in a very tiny zip-up wallet in my pocket. That way I don't leave a tempting purse around.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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