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Here they are:

1989 Vector II w/ Swift + reserve. The piping looks grey in the photo, but it's actually green.

300 jump old Triathlon 175

Funny story about the Triathlon. On sunday, I bought an almost brand new RW suit from a guy at my dz nicknamed WrongWay. Two days later, i find this ad for the Triathlon, and it turns out that this seller is also nicknamed WrongWay, has the same first name as the other WrongWay, and has met the other wrong way. How freaking weird?

Edit: fixed the vector image
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All



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Which, the vector? No. To conserve space I reduced the quality, but it didn't seem to get under the 60K limit, so I posted it. Then I realized that the photo was huge, and could be resized without resolution loss. So the new photo is there now.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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