
Is lack of sex dangerous?

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Can you use a hand? I know I can offer atleast two plus give you lip service and who knows, maybe a surprise or two.... :P


Jessica, take him up on the offer, you won't be sorry.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Then force you to watch Don's entire porn collection twice.

I hope you have time to explain all the moves and terminology to her.....if she isn't getting any, she might have forgotten. And it's not like she was overly endowed with cranium-filler to begin with.....:P


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I was going to post to this all lenghty like, but this is what you get instead.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Sex my friends is like credit cards. some get it some dont.

Yea, I dont because Im living in Phoenix, theres so much competition here for the women you practically have to drool over them to get their attention. Then all the guys around here are like bodybuilders and a hell of a lot better looking than I am.

Thats the one part of Texas Ill always miss, not used to having to work this hard for it.

And where are the f**ing clubs around here??? Last chick I met was in the apt parking lot, Im having to score up chicks in parking lots now. Mountains, parking lots, how am I supposed to get a date like that?

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Sounds kinda familiar...

Good thing about Arkansas? Not much competition from other males for female attention. B|

Bad thing about Arkansas? Not many women worth competing for. :P

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Likewise, even with a purple crotch. Say, that actually sounds kind of interesting....

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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hahahahahahahahaha. you suck. :|

:D Actually, I'm not from here originally so I can't play by those rules.

I DO have 2 sisters however, one of which I am going to try to get to jump with me in July. I will be doing everything possible to keep pictures of them OFF this board though. ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Both of them are *ahem* QUITE developed so...:$


Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Sounds kinda familiar...

Good thing about Arkansas? Not much competition from other males for female attention. B|

Bad thing about Arkansas? Not many women worth competing for. :P

Well, the chicks here are pretty decent and when you talk to them theyre pretty nice, its just that youre never in the right position to get them to go out with you, and thats Phoenix cause there is no nightlife around here, the place is dead. And you have to be real aggressive with them if you plan on getting anywhere, like the second you stop drooling over them they just walk away. Ive heard this same thing from too many guys who are from here.

The problem is, I like aggressive ougoing women and Arizonan women are the exact opposite, its too frickin' conservative here.

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LMAO... that sounds strangely familiar!

This is nothing but one big state full of small-town mentality folks. Don't get me wrong, that has MANY advantages but it does nothing to help in looking for potential future ex's. ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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LMAO... that sounds strangely familiar!

This is nothing but one big state full of small-town mentality folks. Don't get me wrong, that has MANY advantages but it does nothing to help in looking for potential future ex's. ;)

Well I think we both need to move to Cal, forget that its too expensive at least you would have a sex life...and you get to keep your extreme sports life.

ie...here, I got this blonde next door neighbor, pretty good looking, but with three kids, so if I mess with her I inherit three kids and there goes the sports life up in smoke. Screw that, dont want to be a family man, and from what I notice, being in extreme anything is a real turn off around here as far as women are concerned. They all want someone who just wants to pay attention to them and nothing else. The only guys I see around here getting the chicks are the ones who know how to lie, and thats pretty much what it takes. Dont be yourself, and then maybe youll get laid.

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I can be packed and ready to go in 2 weeks. Anyone over that way know of any job openings or reantal pads? ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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I can be packed and ready to go in 2 weeks. Anyone over that way know of any job openings or reantal pads? ;)

Id find a job over there first, but probably wouldnt be hard to find a roommate. Just get on Monster.com and scan around. There really are a lot of really good looking chicks there, you cant drive down the street without getting distracted about 50 times. If youre really good at hitting up on chicks, you better give up skydiving because thats all youre going to have time for.

It can be a pain in the ass though because with all if it there it is pretty hard to get your mind back on other things. Ive even caught myself bitching about that a few times. For right now I think Id rather keep taking trips there and stay in AZ, maybe next year Id move.

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Is it dangerous to go without it for too long?

Not necessarily. I went without it until I basically graduated college to avoid things like getting nasty diseases and babies from frat guys. So, I had to use other methods to make sure I didn't explode. Chocolate and alcohol work great in diverting attention away from sexual frustrations. However, using this method, I was fat and a drunkard by the end of college :D I also turned to the random makeout method. Advantages include having the magical moment of a first kiss many many times, not returning the favor, no babies, no strings attached, having stories for you and your friends to laugh about, meeting many new people, and occasionally selling a tandem :D Disadvantages include sometimes having a stalker, kissing people with beer and smoke breath is nasty, sometimes you realize you wasted your night, and it's just not the same as the other stuff.

Be careful with that last method. Despite what I used to believe, a random makeout may lead to more! :)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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