
Is lack of sex dangerous?

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It seems like such a basic need, like sleep. Is it dangerous to go without it for too long?

The proffesionals say that a lack of sex can be hazardous to your health. Once you have gone a succesion of periods then you should cease from all activity as soon as possible. So you need to start giving up sex. Call me, I will help you taper offB|

"when I die, I want to go like my grandfather while im sleeping, not like the passengers riding in the car with me
A.S.S. #6 Future T.S.S holder

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I don't know about the women part, but it can actually be unhealthy for men to go without it.

"Chronic prostatitis." Also known as "monk's disease." The biggest risk group is military male, who, for example, endures weeks or months on end without any way for sex. Think of a sailor.:(

Yeah, I used to assist with biopsies on this stuff. That's why I went into law. Too painful to even think about...

Unless the guy can get rid of it and allow it to circulate, it will grow kind of rancid. AMong many men, the body will take care of this at night through "nocturnal emission." But if it doesn't, beware, gentlemen... THe prostate gets inflamed, and it is difficult to reverse.

So yes, no sex can have adverse effects on men. As far as women, I just dunno. I haven't studied that at all

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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of course, who wants to do a chick with crutches now? hey baby, nice crotch, its purple. OUCH!

april, lots of guys would.... if ya wern't a good friend i would..... but i have to talk jess into the "out landing" for the birthday naked jump i already talked her into.....ofcourse if you are better by then maybe i can have you come along and take some photos... we could get ya some very artisitic stuff......:)

"i have no reader's digest version"

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dude you should see the stuff she is saying in her pms!!!:o:o:o

It's not PMS, she's always like that...

Jess - you're going to get violent ill from lack of sex, and I'm going to laugh at you. A lot. Then force you to watch Don's entire porn collection twice.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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