
Famous people you've met..

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Cal Ripken, Eddie Murray, Jim Palmer, Kenny Albert, Alex Trebek, and many more I can't even remember. But who gives a shit about those (except for Eddie - cool as shit guy and a friend)....

Famous people I really valued meeting: Amy Chmelecki, Rook Nelson, Mike Swanson, Colon Berry, Max Cohn, Stuey Newman, Timmy Miller, Adam Rosen, Storm Dunker, Craig Amrine, Wyat Drewes, Jay Humphries, Dave Donnelly, Dave Brown, Chris Fiala, Chris Salcone and others I'm sure I'm forgetting right now. I get way more excited about meeting famous skydivers even though most of them are not well-known outside of our community.

Fall in dove.

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Question - When you met Alex Trebek, did he have to look at any index cards while he was talking to you or did he actually know what to say all by himself? ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Somehow I can believe that without any problems.

I wish just ONCE he would be on the show tanked up...

"No you dumb bitch! You have to answer in form of a question! How fucking stupid are you people? This show has been on the air forever! Illiterate people in countries so small they aren't even named know how to play this game and YOU can't seem to get it!"

Add some slurring to that quote and you'll get the effect I had in my head. ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Harry Chapin, Debi Reynolds, Stephen Stills (2x)
Dave Mason, Leon Russell, Patrick Swayze, Dennis Hopper.Phil Keaggy, Rebecca St. James.
Kalico (Alice Cooper's daughter,2x)
Not mentioning me being on Love Connection in "91"
and some as a "extra" at Cenex Casting.But these I just saw on the set. The ones listed I shook hands with and/or autograph pic!

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My cadet corps was part of the honour guard for Queen Liz when she visited Victoria in the 80s. She passed about 8 feet in front of me. My mom served her tea at Royal Roads Military College. (Dad was Staff Officer - Cadets and Military Training - kinda "third in command"). Hatley Castle (the admin bldg for RRMC) is the castle used in the movie The Changling and is Lex Luthor's mansion in Smallville. So while I haven;t met many famous people, I have been to some famous places that most people haven't been.

On a slightly different tack, I was on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, CBC, CTV, BBC, and couple German stations after being on a hijacked plane in 1993. So I'm famous - or is that notorious?


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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