
Quit Jumping?

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After I had my 1st mal and cutaway yesterday.My mom asks me if I plan on quitting jumping.I look at her and asked her if she was crazy.Hell no I'm not quitting.I told her that if I was'nt hurting as bad as I am I would have gotten a rental rig and went back up yesterday.I think she was fine with me jumping until yesterday.I think telling her what happened scared her a little bit.But I'm not going to let that stop me.So,once I get a new canopy I'll be back in the air.
Oh,BTW the beer for my firsts has been drank so you're all a little to late.

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hmm Im sure they would be nervous abou tmy jumping but at this point I think it would solidify their trust in my abilities to handle my procedures! ( or so I would like ot think)

I speak to them alot about jumping and keep them informed and tell them how cool it is etc.

(most of my family has done a tandem since I found the sky!) so they trusted me enough to get in the plane..and OUT!:D

Im sure there is always the fear that they have. you know about getting a phone call from the ...WHO CALLS?
but Ive spoken with them about that too...If I die it s not b/c skydinving has done it.its b/c it was my time!
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Well, I haven't had a mal, but I know that my girlfriend's parents wish I wouldn't jump. They're patient and will listen to me tell tales of my skydives, but I know what they're thinking - they don't want their daughter to get hurt.

Actually, my parents are cooler with it than they are!
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Theres one thing that does not get discussed with my mother and my grandparents and thats cutaways. I feel that information would be of no benifit to them and might actually reduce their vicarious enjoyment of my skydiving:P.

maybe in a few years I'll tell them about my first one

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Well my parents did not told me directly but their gesture and body language were telling me exactly that but before they told me anything I said that I was going to keep jumping. So after that, in malfunctions #2 to #4 (I only have 4...just in case!....all of them in elliptical canopy...very small ones) I have not tell them the story at all.

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i was on a jump WITH my S/O when she had to go to a reserve...imagine looking around after dumping and not seeing your S/O then looking down and finding the solid reserve...(thank you lord!). double shot of adrenaline please.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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i was on a jump WITH my S/O when she had to go to a reserve...imagine looking around after dumping and not seeing your S/O then looking down and finding the solid reserve...(thank you lord!). double shot of adrenaline please.

thats got to be nerve racking!
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When I had my first mal (jump #8 - first real solo jump) my then-husband sorta flipped out, but he dealt okay. When my reserve came out it left horrendous blood red riserburn on my neck and face so that was what made him ask what the hell happened, but he got over it since I was so excited about my new sport. But when I had a freefall collision a year later and got quite banged up he was livid. Then when he heard me ordering a new helmet he pretty much lost it. He couldn't believe I was gonna go back to something that almost killed me. It was but a few weeks later that we decided to get a divorce. No matter what anyone says about how you can make it work with a whuffo, it's skydivers only for me.

But back to your original question.... I remember when I first started, I met a girl who had broken her back and her wrists on a tree landing and she was just getting back into the sport. I couldn't believe she was willing to try it again after all that trauma. But now look at me, after that one freefall collision and a broken leg, I can't imagine life without skydiving, my skydiving buddies, the dz atmosphere and all that goes with it. To an outsider, or even a newbie, it seems extreme or absurd. But to us, it is obvious and necessary.

Fall in dove.

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I've had 4 high speed mals (had to chop two of them) and a broken back--All in my first 100 jumps!

The family and the boss asked if I was done jumping after each one of my fun little experiences. I just smile and tell them that the jump just gets to be fun when things go wrong.

They all think I'm crazy... Oh well! ;)

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I'm sure there is always the fear that they have. you know about getting a phone call from the ...WHO CALLS?

Around here, it's usually local law enforcement - the Snohomish or Pierce County Sheriff's Department.

And they don't always call. Sometimes they deliver the news in person. Sheriff's Deputies are the "mortician bees" of law enforcement ("mortician bees" find and dispose of dead worker bees in a hive), serving warrants and subpoenas, and notifying family members of deaths.

BTW - the Snohomish County Coroner's Office is right across the street from my workplace in Everett, near the main entrance to Paine Field (Snohomish County Airport - but no DZ ops take place there though)...[:/]

edit to remark - I'm certainly morbid this morning, aren't I?
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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So, we were on this 5-way jump see.....;)

Have you learned to come into a formation yet, JT, without taking anyone out? :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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So, we were on this 5-way jump see.....;)

Have you learned to come into a formation yet, JT, without taking anyone out? :ph34r:

ask michele!:o
she loves telling that story!:o
I shook airwneenie out of her, though;)
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after I wrecked my motorcycle my Mom told me it was the happiest day of her life. After tearing a ligamnet jumping she never forgets to mention that at the end of the summer I won't have health care when I make my carrear transition.... etc etc ... the short answer is that Moms are Mom's

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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Well, MY folks think I quit.:S
I tried to explain the 'back up' system I already used. (cutaway) I told them even if I was asleep I have a computer that opens the parachute. (ADD)
[:/]Didnt work. So I just dont say anything.


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Have you learned to come into a formation yet, JT, without taking anyone out?



But at least he's polite about it.

OTOH, when you funnel something at like 6.3 and you're supposed to break at 5.5, you'd better be mouthing "sorry" as you bounce off folks' backs...ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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If you're breaking at 5.5, I hope it's because you want to do CrW. That's more freefall time.

Seriously, we break at 4.5 for Freeflying and 3.5 for RW. Higher for new jumpers, usually 4. If they are new enough to have to break early for RW, they shouldn't even be thinking of starting FF yet.

I probably should give a nod to high breakoffs for big ways.........

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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