
Memorial Service - Roger Nelson - Update

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Our founder, builder, brother and father of
what and who is Skydive Chicago has left us
Memorial Service will be here at Skydive Chicago, Monday, June 16th, 2003
Memorial Jump is at 12:00 p.m.
Services following at 1:00 p.m.
(Outside if weather permits)

Everyone is invited to attend and stay as long as you wish.
Your prayers are greatly treasured.

Appropriate dress would be appreciated, show your colors,
wear the SDC logo or that of your home DZ.
DZ casual is the dress code for the day.

Roger wanted balloons
Missy is asking everyone to write down a 'favorite memory' of Roger (be it funny, fond, or what-have-you) so she and Rook can keep them in a scrap book. It would be a great thing to have everyone show up with a balloon (no helium, filled with your own air!) with that piece of paper inside the balloon. We will collect all of the balloons, eventually pop them all and give the pieces of paper to Missy.

Please respect Roger’s family and be patient for them to
release a statement in regards to the incident.

We are all deeply saddened and of course must draw strength from one another in this time of sorrow. Please feel to register and post any messages, memories, or condolences on our Bulletin Board

Thanks to John "Doc" Musgrave who dug up old videos of Roger and stayed up late Sunday night creating this video.
Small > 6meg
Large > 10 meg

• United States Parachute Associate (USPA) National Director
• USPA Safety & Training Advisor
• Tandem Master Examiner
• Tandem, AFF/AFP and Static Line Instructor
• Multi-Engine, Commercial 11,000-Hour Pilot
• Six (6) World Records (Relative Work Formations)
• US National Gold, Silver and Bronze Medallist,
• 1999 & 2002 Gold Medallist,
• 2000/2001 Silver Medallist
• Atmosphere Dolphin "A" Freefly License #300
• "BASE" jumper
• Accuracy and High Performance Canopy Flight Instructor
• Leading Author, Lecturer
• World Record Organizer From 1978 to 2000
• Equipment and Training Innovator

Bulletin Board- http://www.skydivechicago.com/forum/index.php

So, I hope those with some memories will send them. I know eventually Missy and Rook will read and remember all that Roger was.



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Anyone who cannot attend the service...but would like a balloon presented with your "favorite memory" or Roger in it....feel free to email your memory to me at tadbad@dropzone.com and I will make sure it gets taken care of.

Spread the love!


When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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