
Want to go skydive

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I was going to leave the office at 1 pm today and head ot the dz. At 12.30 the president of the company calls me, I can't take the call so I call him back 10 minutes later. Only to get his secretary telling me that he has left for lunch and that he will call me back when he returns.

Damn, now I am still waiting and it is 1.50.

ARGGHHHHHHH I wanna go jump

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I'm looking outside my window and it's blue. Forecast is moderately to really crappy all weekend. I can hear that Falcon 215 that I've been trying to jump for two weeks calling...[:/] Maybe later in the day...:(

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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My DZ is opening at 3:00 today, with blue skies, calm winds, and 79 degrees. My boyfriend left to go down there about 2 hours ago - so he should be unloadinghis gear right now. Lucky man. I can't go because I am animal sitting for my parents (4 horses, 4 cats, & 2 dogs) and the DZ is 100 miles away. So yes, I'm bummed.


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