
Weekend Numbers -- 31 May/1 June

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0: 0: 4 days and counting stuck in the house writhing in post-operative pain Darvocet sucks!


Agreed. I'm hating darvocet right now too. No jumps for me this weekend. It's only been 15 days since my surgery. Doc says i'm grounded til middle/end of July. But i'm stupidly thinking of doing a H&P on tuesday.... [/QUOTE]

Go talk to your doc and tell him the darvocet is causing nausea and you'd like a different pain medication. He will most likely prescribe hydrocodone.

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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2 times I threw the drogue:5 jumps: a few

No shit... there I was... thought I was going to die... I was sitting on a plane with a Tandem rig on :o I did my solo tandem and got one of the locals to do a practice tandem with me. That feeling of solo drogue fall is a WEIRD feeling, potato chipping, slow as a mofo, and trying to find handles that are now in all new locations. I got a face full of tandem student in freefall on the next jump so I need to learn the adjustment of the harness better. The 425 opened like shit with the Slider all the way up and I could'nt lossen the Lower Laterals... Needless to say it was a point us towards the DZ and deal with the shit type canopy ride. :S
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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7 in one day at Sky Knights, a new personal best. Two sits, I can do turns now, and I made it through the second jump with basically no instability. 4 RW dives, and we even got some points on two of them. 1 sunset hop 'n pop from the Cessna. My landing accuracy is improving. Twice in a row I left 20 ft long skid marks leading away from dead center (no wind rocks). I guess I owe beer for bumping end cells on the last load.

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No shit! Steve and I started AFF at about the same time, and I'm still working on my A!

Steven ... you'll get there (your A License). In fact it sounds like you're quite happy to get back in the air today. As far as me and jumping, what can I say? I'm addicted. But there are worse cases of skydiving addiction than me. :) Just get to the DZ when you can, and try to get something signed off from your proficiency card on each of your jumps.

Ok here's my weekend stats. Nothing spectacular, but respectible considering I worked most of Saturday and the weather hasn't been all that good.


As usual no such luck on that all important first category. Any girls out there looking for a reasonibly good used (but still has that new skydiver smell) skydiver? ;)

Six jumps total. Three freefly jumps, two tracking dives (including one of them being my best tracking effort to date) and one very interesting 6k hop n' pop / adhoc crew jump in some light rain (I needed windshield wipers for my camera lense).

One case of beer owed to the good folks out at Denver Skydivers (Brush CO) as I finally jumped at their drop zone for the first time today. I will bring the beer the next time guys. I promise!!! But I didn't bring it today because I wasn't expecting to be jumping at Brush today. However, when your home DZ's bird develops an oil leak and you want to jump, you must get in you car and travel. And it's not my fault the liquor stores are closed on Sunday. :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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1 (balloon jump): a LOT: 1 1/2

Made my first balloon jump and hit 500 jumps. I'd owe 2 cases, but I drank half of one already...

It was a kick ass weekend, see my thread (500th jump thread) to see the scary details.

Ok, so they're not scary, but hey, I had to hype it up somehow:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Congrats on your 500th Dave. Shit now there's an example of someone who's worse than I am. If memory serves me correct, you hit your 300th at Eloy (soon after I hit my 100th) and you've made 200 jumps since then. Me well I've only managed a little under 150 in the same time frame. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Yup, I did my 300th at Eloy. This is fun, I'm going to see if I can break 1000 this year.B|

Wow that would be something. Of course you are working at a DZ. :P;)B|

Baring an injury I will easily hit 250 jumps for my first year and 275 is a definite possibility. However today after coming home from a DZ I was thinking what are the chances that I can make 54 jumps in the next six weeks? If I can do that, I'll hit 300 jumps in my first year (and that's before Rantoul ... assuming I make it there).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Dude, 9 jumps a weekend? That's cake. You can do that easy!

Work and the weather often seem to get in the way (shit I'd probably be at 400 jumps if work and weather weren't an issue). But as long as Mother Nature is kind to me this coming weekend I might be able to cut 1/3 of the way into those 54 jumps as it looks like I'll have two or more days off of work plus the weekend (a reward the whuffo boss is rumored to be giving the engineering staff after we released our product on Saturday).

Man this shit is fun. :$

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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1,001 ways I love my skychicky..she really does rock!!!!

4 great skydives. did my 200th to start the day off with a hybrid that just didn't quite get finished...then I pulled all the flat flyers on top of me...created quite the rodeo!!!!...then I did a couple of hop n pop's and a sweet freefly head down and pulled real high to enjoy the sound of canopy flight at altitude...GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!!!

2 cases owed....one for my 200th...and the other for the first time that I scared fallinwoman on landing. lets just say I flared a hair too late and skidded my knee's on the turf but was able to pop my happy fat ass right back up with my power safire!!!! GOD I LOVE THIS CANOPY!!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Canuck has already pointed out that weather has been mixed, and I would like to add that the last few weeks, if it hasn't been the weather, it's been the planes breaking. :S

But persistence is the key. I was there early Saturday and stayed until 9 PM tonight, braving several weather-related shutdowns, squeaking in jumps in between short rainstorms and gusty periods, settling for 6,000 at one point for low clouds, and being rained on the whole canopy ride once or twice. What I won't do to jump :P

Riddle me this - if you pack a wet canopy in an arid environment (like Denver) and let it set a few weeks before you jump it, will it get moldy?
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I would like to add that the last few weeks, if it hasn't been the weather, it's been the planes breaking.

Don't forget in some cases having a DZO pass away and the chaos that causes. :)

PS: I updated an earlier post of mine as I incorrectly mentioned that I did a 7k hop n' pop / adhoc crew dive. But it was in fact a 6k jump. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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3DZ's in 2 states
5 jumps
1 case owed next time I am at Skydive Oregon and have more than an hour before I have to head out to my boat and sleep after driving too much in one weekend and doing night jumps till the wee hours of the morning to start out the trip on Thurs. Friday sucked.... too much rain. Saturday was looking the same at first so I hit the road south it was still too cloudy at Kapowsin so I bypassed and headed to Oregon. I wanted to get in more jumps but C-182 DZ's that have FJC students queued up for first jumps kinda put a crimp in the numbers. And I did have to talk to the rigger guy about a bunch of used equipment stuff. But I do at least have my backup rig now... WOO HOO. Not in my red colors but oh well. Next year more gear. Oh... and I did love the Otter jump at SD Oregon... I musta been brain dead to have lived just an hour from there for 20 years and did not jump there....arrrgghhh. See what happens when you let someone else talk you out of things you love. ( WUFFOS SUCK) I think I need a road trip this summer to see how many DZ's I can jump at in the NW in one weekend. I need to get to them before the trip though. Has anyone noticed the Waiver bloat at DZ's . I think this thing took me 30 minutes to read and initial they are starting to look like small novels.....geez I hate paperwork.:(


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No problem. Three jumps to go and my proficiency card is pretty much complete. If I don't get my license the next time I'm at the DZ, it will be the time after for sure!

My biggest concern is that I was never going to be able to figure out the landing accuracy part of it, but it's really beginning to click for me. I've been signed off for accuracy on my last three jumps!
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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So, Saturday was a complete wash, rained all day. Friday night after work was good for 3 nice 2-way sit jumps. Sunday afternoon, with the wife in tow to the dz. 2 Jumps. First one was a 4 way hybrid attempt. The 4 way chunk funnelled on exit, so it just turned into a 4 way sit. 2nd Jump on Sunday was an attempted 3pt 12 way. I was on the 4 way base, which somewhat funnelled. (not my fault) but got back together. We built the first point, then when trying to build the second point, my partner ot the right lost his grip and he and I sank out. Gotta work on that fall rate issue.

Great weekend, except for Saturday.

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It was an absolute shitkicker in the Yookay this w/e! Boiling hot, low wind, zero cloud, and Sunshine Sheilas aplenty!

2 jumps Friday afternoon (both static line - I'm stoopid): nearly thumped head on step on jump 1, jumping my first packjob (beer, I know). Jump 2, dearched with shoulders, but had twists from hell and had to kick like a baby to get out. 2 sweet landings and cool Dr. Pepper waiting when I got back to manifest.

2 jumps Saturday too: dropped knees on stepoff, best fun ever, followed by "interesting" crosswind/downwind landing. I plf-ed like a bitch for that one! Jump 2, rolled shoulders (again!), slider didn't want to come down, thought hard about chopping, but numerous pumps on brakes got the boy down ok. Look down "I'm nowhere near the PLA, might have to go for the factory roof - crap!" Curl up in ball, let the canopy fly, I just cleared the barb wire fence/petrol tanker nearby, flat turned into wind about 250 feet, nearly kicked a rabbit as I flared. Was just walking back to hangar when I had to hit the deck, as the Turbolet roared over my head on takeoff!

No jumps on Sunday - too poor, sunburnt, and sore to get out of bed early!

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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