
Have you worried about your lover skydiving?

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Fate decided different and her health has deteriorated to the point where jumping is not an option

This is just awful. :( I'm so sorry, Ed. I myself have 2 chronic health illnesses that I've had for about 13 years, but I have also decided to "taste life" to the fullest. Anyway, your wife can e-mail or pm me if she wants to talk. Also, if I'm not mistaken, you are from AAW. If you two can make it, the whole Taft crew is getting together to jump at Monterey on June 14th. (Different DZ every month.) You are both invited! :)

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Also, if I'm not mistaken, you are from AAW. If you two can make it, the whole Taft crew is getting together to jump at Monterey on June 14th. (Different DZ every month.) You are both invited!

Taft crew,who might that be ? Jim,Tom,Shawna,George ? I know Matt is over at the airport(Taft) now.
I dont have a lot of jumps but that crew that took me through aff is an awesome bunch.
Did any of Renfroe's instructors go to Cal City with him ?( I still have that Tandem certificate )
Do you by any chance know Sanjeev (was an occasional jumperdumper for Will,and a freeflyer) He is planning on tossing his fiancee out the door,(at altitude),hopefully this saturday.

-edit- Damn I ask a lot of questions :S


The Dude Abides.

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If someone is gonna do something stupid, they're gonna do it whether you worry about them or not.

Don't cha know it. It all depends on how stupid of a person you're willing to be w/. Once you chose to be w/ them. Life's too full of other stuff to waste time thinking of things you can not change.
There's a difference between concern (for someone's mental ability to assess the situation) & being worried for them.

So, no Val... you're not insensitive. Calloused & bitter hearted :D;) but not insensitive (hugs)

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I am not nervous when Tad jumps, unless it's something new. I was needlessly nervous when he was going to balloon jump; although, he would have been fine. :$ If he were to base jump, I'd be nervous. I also didn't see him land once, and I had my stomach turn a little wondering where he was as he's always easy to locate.

I can tell that my guy worries about me and watches all my landings like a hawk. If I have had a cutaway (of course) or "out landing" or anything that he wasn't expecting, he is crazy worried. He always walks back with me or comes to get me if I'm far. :)
If I had a child and the child was jumping, I'd be nauseous. :$ However, I'd be supportive of their decision to jump.

My family is very conservative, so my father didn't know that I jumped for a while. I just popped in a video of me one day, and he silently stormed out. We haven't talked of it. He was OK the next day, but I think that he thinks that it was a one time thing. :D My mom is chicken about everything (she is even scared of me riding a bike), but she is incredibly supportive. :)

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I don't have a any more. My biggest worry is new friends. When everyone was doing flat-flying, a bad dock would cause a bruise. If they became unstable, they fell away from the others.

With headdown, if you become unstable and cork, you risk hammering someone. The level of danger has changed. I worry about new friends now.

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If I have had a cutaway (of course) or "out landing" or anything that he wasn't expecting, he is crazy worried. He always walks back with me or comes to get me if I'm far.

Gawd, I remember landing so far out one time, and my guy didn't even know I was missing until I got back all hot and sweaty from my "wilderness walk"!:S (someone else went looking for me, though!)

Some days at the dz we are both doing our own thing, other days we jump together with the same group. Just depends on the day!

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I do most of my jumps with my gf, and I do watch her deploy a lot of the time before I pull myself. I usually land before her and on gusty days I get nervous as she has had problems landing in these conditions in the past. I hate it when she jumps without me, I ask her to call me when she is done jumping for the day just to let me know all is good.
She usually beats me up for doing stupid things on landing, she was very unimpressed by a 90 degree carve I had to do to avoid the fence a couple of weeks ago, but she does it cause she cares, and I end up feeling very guilty that I scared her. It's a kind of two way thing.

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Mt says she doesn't want to watch me jump. We've been married over 20 years now. Both our girls say they at least want to try a tandem, one of em's old enough now, the other one has to wait a few years. The wife doesn't want to watch them jump either. A real shame, because in the days of our misspent youth, she came along as a camper on our El Capitan expedition and watched all of us jump at the top. I'd probably worry about my girls, not that anything would go wrong, but...it would be very difficult to live with if something did.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Well, I don't usually worry about him anymore. He has about 55 jumps now, and I pretty much know he is safe. I don't have to watch his landings, I know they will be good. I freaked out when he had his cutaway, but he was very cool about it. I did worry about him this past weekend because some serious clouds were rolling in, and I told him not to go just because everyone else did if he couldn't see the ground. I was pretty pissed when I saw his canopy coming down through those clouds. But, he was okay, and it unnerved him enough that I don't think he'll do it again.

He has told me, though, that he is going to stop watching me land. I only have 21 jumps, and I cannot get my flare right. I was flaring too high for the longest time and hitting hard (always PLF, though). This last weekend I decided to try taking it lower, and flared too low and hit hard (with a PLF, of course). I literally have my instructors biting their nails and running over toward me almost every time I land. I really don't get hurt, though, but I need to figure out how to get it right. Anyway, this really bothers him and he gets very worried about me landing.

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Ya know when I first started dating Anne, i was never really nervous. we wouldn't be on the same loads all the time. as she's more of a flat person and I'm more of a vertical person...but the first time I started to worry was my last jump at Rantoul. she went to do a helicopter jump and I did a three way sit fly out of mullins. I had a very hard time concentrating on my jump for some reason(well untill I left the airplane then it was all good) but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous untill I saw her walk up to me......very strange indeed.

BUT now hopefully this weekend Anne will feel like jumping again and I am not nervous at all for her first jump in 9 months. she'll do great for sure. I'm her number 1 fan and can't wait to see her feel the air again!!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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I never even considered worrying about Chuck until I saw him have the birdman mal in Eloy. I guess it was then that I realized he was human! :S Now I can't say I necessarily worry about him but I do like seeing an open canopy swooping in below me! :)

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I used to worry about Paul doing CRW with certain people (a certain BASE-mad videographer from Hinckley comes to mind :)
Well, haha Paul, I was right. [:/]

I think I'll go to my little black corner for a cry now.


nothing to see here

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No, I dont worry. Likely because I dont have to. I dont have that kind of sleeping relationship with the dz folks. I normally believe they can pull what ever it is. Or else they wouldnt be doing it.

I will admit, I have held my breath quite a bit.

Now my best bud, when at a certain closeness to the ground (BASE) saved his sorry ass. Now that rather 'bothered me'.

When my buddies do get crunched, then I freak totally out.

When I am cleaning up blood on faces I rather thank God. When I am holding hands and waiting on an ambulance, then I worry, cry and pray, a lot.

I think that it might be a fine idea for skydivers to have basic emergency medical experience or knowledge of...

The more people you know, the longer you are in the sport.... Sooner or Later....

However, thats my opinion.
In addition, a Person who indicated he had a high level of ER experience as well as ultra knowledge due to his work went up and moved the guys head. I know the skydivers present were outraged, furious, and then he moved his legs. -Real Good Idea- I think he might be walking now. Its been a year. I am not at all saying what was done was the cause or anything. Many bones were broken. But still, that is just plain ignorant.

This is why I am not allowed to carry a GUN.
I swear I would use it.


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To tell the truth, my lover is my wife and she does not skydive. She has been supportive of my habit for years. We're coming up on fifteen years of marriage in August. She use to stay in the clubhouse, cross-stitching, while I was on the ride to altitude. I took classes on how to make a porcelain doll, and I made her one about 7 years ago for Mother's Day. She turned around and bought me a Crater suit for Father's Day.

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When I was on the dz with him I had no worries about my ex jumping. It was when I wasn't there that I worried.

I think Lisa has it right...when I am at the DZ with Marc...I don't seem to worry too much. I know he is a smart skydiver, but I also know shit can happpen whether I worry or not.

I am a lot more nervous about what he is doing when I am not there.....I guess this stems from him modeling his rig for me when he first got it...and he misrouted his chest-strap....now I give it a tug before every one of his jumps. I can't check such things if I am not there!!!


I'm a Doll!!!!

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Taft crew,who might that be ?

The last time that we got together was at Elsinore for Cinco de Mayo. I was new to Taft this year, but the old crew that showed up was the following:
Jim, George, Brett (packer), Doug & Laura, Suzanne (Princess), Kim, Nate, Pete, Phillipa, Prom Queen (?), Tad, me, Kelley, Ronnie, Haley, etc.

I don't know everyone's names, so if anyone sees this...I'm sorry if I left you out.
Anyway, we will be at Monterey on June 14th! :)

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Eiley, I remember watching that downplane w/ you & being a new jumper - that was my first "holy shit" :orealization that people actually can & do easily kill - not just hurt, themselves by doing fun stuff.

It's so sad that you were right - but please don't go into your little black corner - you are loved by so many.:D

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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i dont worry about my gf when she skydives.I trust her that she know how to deal in an emergancy.

How ever i know she is worryed when im out BASE jumping,lucky she saw me jump(her first time beer are payed;)),she told me that she now are less scared when i go out(and this girl picked me up when i got fucked up last year).
Did i ever tell that i feel so lucky to have her?:)(and mac is jaloux..he he)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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