
colorado duey wierenga

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Duey was one of my AFF instructors... my coach, my friend, and my mentor. Almost everything I know about the sport (which at this point it still very little) came from him, and I will always associate my love of skydiving with his carefree way of approaching life. He's the one who taught me to "relaaaaaaaax", and put things in perspective.

I'm trying to come up with words that will do him and his contribution justice, but I can't. He is Duey, and we all love him. My prayers are with him and his family - may you all find strength and comfort in this difficult time. "Drive on".

Blue Skies, Loooong swoops (when i learn), and Soft Landings.


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I culdn't believe this when I read about this yesterday.

Sending prayers and vibes his way. Please tell him that Andi Houk says hello and give him my best.

PTWOB #096
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Don't know how to cross post...so its simple cut and paste for me....I had this in "Incidents"...But I guess it should go here as well.
I am very sorry that your brother is hurt.
Trust me he is in my thoughts

I don't know him, but that does not mean I don't care.

I am asking these questions...Yes, some of them will question his abilities, to drill down to the root
cause of his accident. And if I bounce I want this same type of disscussion about me to educate the
rest of my skydiving family.

I am doing this so we may learn the lessons of this accident to educate and protect the rest of
us...Including all the other people I don't know about.

The first post stated how this was the second time that this skydiver had lost a toggle..Now that
seems to be a pattern.
We now know that even though both were accidents that might be based on a dropped toggle, they
are not related to a new technique that this jumper was trying...

We also know that the toggle did not come off. And that there appeared to be no other gear issues.

I doubt he did it on purpose.

So we have eliminated:
1.Gear issues.
2.Attempting new techniques.

Again, I am sorry that your brother is hurt...But don't take my ability to remove my emotions from this
disscussion, and just look at the event and the factors in this event as not caring...In fact it is
because I care that I do this.

I have seen many people get hurt/killed...And before this form, information was passed around by word
of mouth...Agood amount of info was lost or distorted.

I know it hurts you to think about your brother. And I also know that it hurts to hear me talk about this
situation without emotions. It might be best for you not to read this forum....Have someone send you
the final result insted of reading it...I wish I could save you this pain....But we need to look at this
accident and learn from it.

Again, I hope your brother recovers well.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Duey was part of the Skydive Dallas team that taught me how to skydive. In fact....

On my first tandem, there was this AFF instructor sitting across from me in the otter. I was terrified, and he could tell. So he smirked at me and lifted his legs and plopped them in my lap. Duey is very good at helping people chill, being the king of chill himself.

Such an awesome guy. I was sorry to see him and Sue leave Dallas.

I hope he defies expectations and comes out of this as good as new. Good luck, Duey.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Sue and Suzi, I am here trying to cope with you as well...--he is strong and will overcome this battle as he has many in his life. I am thankful to have seen and spent time with my cousin in January and I look forward to being in Colorado with you all to help him with his recovery. Thank you to all who have sent words of love, support and encouragement-it means a great deal to the Wierenga family.

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I consider "Skydive the Rockies" to be my home away from home. When I really want to jump and the weather isn't looking all that good at my home DZ but good in Canon City, I jump in my car and head down for a fun day at SDTR and the staff (which Duey was a part of) has always been great to me.

Duey is a class act, a talented skilled skydiver and I'm deeply sadden by his accident. I'm sorry to hear that he'll likely never walk nor skydive again, but right now that is secondary. Let's all pray that Duey recovers to be able to live many many many more happy years.

Please send your get well vibes to Duey!!! [:/]

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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A group of us went to see duey yesterday, but weren't allowed in. We met his mother and his brother, and they are hopeful as are the rest of us. I pray for him everyday and I know that he will find a way through this trying time. Duey was a great instructor, coach, friend, and skydiver, and his relaxed attitude and camelion personality, he can adapt as well as anyone, will get him through this. He will be back in the sky with us soon. Drive on Brother.

Blue Skies,

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