
I'm a dick, I suck, I am guilty as shit... Blah blah...

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Accidents happen. Everyone should undestand that. If they don't get the fuck out of life! I think you are making too much of what otheres think/are saying.... It's all groovy! Oohmmm......
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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After multiple pics and multiple theories - all proven to be incorrect by successive photos - I attribute the funnel to strange turbulence at altitude caused by bird flatulence or alien intervention of some sort.

I believe the correct scientific term is "rarified air".



You saw this one, right?


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Hey Seb,

Like many others, I was not there, nor do I know all the details. But.....I know how it feels to think that everyone at the DZ is talking about and or making jokes about something that happened in the air (Or on a drunkin' crazy night, for that matter B|). I know that people can tell you that "Everyone makes mistakes", and "Don't worry about it", but for some reason it's still really hard to let it go. I was always worried that nobody would want to jump with me because I sucked! ;) However, you don't suck, so that's not the case here.

I would look at this as I would look at a relationship that has gone sour. -- It just takes time to get over.

I don't think that you should have to justify anything that you have done, or not done. You know that you are confident in your abilities, and I don't think that you should let anybody's comments effect that.

Just remember....everyone at some point was in the same position that you are in.

It blows over.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Take a deep breath.



I got'chore back sweetie!


-look fred, she's gotten her boobies!

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I think SeaBass pulled that damn handle on purpose! The malicious bastard! :P

On a serious note: it could have definitely been worse. Katie (probably) pulled a friend of her's cutaway handle on a similarly funnelled exit. He didn't figure it out till his freshly deployed, brand new main ejected itself. The main was long gone. It was not found until at least four months later by the farmer who's cotton field it ended up landing in. Very unfortunate. Had he known it, he could have just dumped his reserve, but nobody noticed.

Azul sends

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I think SeaBass pulled that damn handle on purpose! The malicious bastard! :P

On a serious note: it could have definitely been worse. Katie (probably) pulled a friend of her's cutaway handle on a similarly funnelled exit. He didn't figure it out till his freshly deployed, brand new main exected itself. The main was long gone. It was not found until at least four months later by the farmer who's cotton field it ended up landing in. Very unfortunate. Had he known it, he could have just dumped his reserve, but nobody noticed.

Azul sends

Just curious, did the canopy get out of the DBag?

Renaud SMA #9
"Mind is like parachute. It only functions when it's open."

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?I DO think that if I ever have to do a terminal velocity reserve opening again, I'm going to tuck my chin down against my chest before opening so I don't crank my neck as badly. "

Are you sure about that? Not that Im trying to argue with you, but I have a hard time seeing how that would help. Arent you supposed to arch and lean your head back to better absorb the shock?

Ive heard of people talking about whiplash, geting knocked out, on a really, really, really hard opening, I have to wonder if you could literally break your neck. Wonder if thats ever happened.

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you're onto something here.

I did my coach 1 theory course a month or 2 back and among the no-necks (sorry...:P) were a bunch of football coaches who INSISTED that when you tackle that the mantra is

"HEADS UP" - as in head back not head forward.

While we're on it, I jump a Raven II (218) as a main ... so I take a terminal reserve ride EVERY time. It's getting old despite my very best trashpack/cloverleafed oversize pocketed slider/ noserolled/ tailrolled/never-dump-in-a-track attitude to depolyment. My old shirt collars no longer fit (speaking of no-necks) so it must be good exercise ... I jump with a chiropprator and have yet to need his services ;);). Bloody masochist I am (in the sky anyway)


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Hey Vinnie... putting a camera on your head will not fix the problem... Quite the contrary.. you never get pics of you once that happens..[:/]

Anway.. sorry to hear about your 2nd reserve ride... I still recall feeling a little guilty about your first... but you did ask in the plane on the way to altitude...
"How come you are called chopchop?" Remember? tehehe... ;) See ya soon.. no jumping for me 'til Monday in Z-Hills.. B|


gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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you're onto something here.

I did my coach 1 theory course a month or 2 back and among the no-necks (sorry...:P) were a bunch of football coaches who INSISTED that when you tackle that the mantra is

"HEADS UP" - as in head back not head forward.

While we're on it, I jump a Raven II (218) as a main ... so I take a terminal reserve ride EVERY time. It's getting old despite my very best trashpack/cloverleafed oversize pocketed slider/ noserolled/ tailrolled/never-dump-in-a-track attitude to depolyment. My old shirt collars no longer fit (speaking of no-necks) so it must be good exercise ... I jump with a chiropprator and have yet to need his services ;);). Bloody masochist I am (in the sky anyway)


Makes sense. You know when they used hangings as a death sentence, the ropes job was to kill quickly by snapping the victims neck forward, thereby breaking his neck immediately.

Now I know having a rope around your neck and wearing a harness are two different things, but, the motion of your head snapping forward seems to be the same.

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Chuckie's right... on my 33rd jump, I was doing a 3-way with my coach and a friend who was way more experienced. I didn't think I pulled his handle but it was a severely funneled exit (the guy was about 230) and there was a significant amoung of flailing going on. :S I saw the handle fly away (it wasn't a pillow or handle but more like a toggle) but didn't realize thats what it was until we got on the ground. The jumper had no clue - pulled his BOC and his RSL deployed his reserve. Me and Mel followed the canopy (visually) to the ground and went up in the Cessna several times that day with the pilot circling above the area. Several people also combed the woods for 3 days!

I did not offer to pay for the canopy partly because I didn't know what the hell had just happened. I think now I should have offered to chip in but it bothered me that while the rest of the jumpers headed out to look for his canopy - he sat in the packing area or at the bar. [:/]

Anyway, I still get teased about it and my nickname was "Cutaway Katie" for a pretty long time! :S

I definitely learned from it and it has taught me to be a more cautious jumper. :)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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The "evidence" looks pretty inconlusive to me. Unless you caused the funnel, I don't see how it could have been your fault anyway!

The important thing is you recognized the situation and dealt with it. You're being a good sport to offer to chip in on the costs for the cutaway pillow and repack.

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LMFAO. I forgot about that shot! Yet another one! Dammit! At least in this one my entire face doesn't look flat. This looks like I took a beating with a tire iron rather than a frying pan.....

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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