
Poll: Have you ever landed crosswind on purpose? Saftey research - please join in

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Watching with sadness at the continual stream of injuries and fatalities caused by low turns, many just to get into wind. In many of these incidents it seems that landing off the wind line might have reduced the injuries. With the huge assumption that someone comfortable in their skill to land off the wind line is more likely to take that as an option in a difficult situation, I wondered how many of us have practised landing crosswind and downwind, and at what stage in our skydiving careers.

I have 650 jumps and have landed crosswind and downwind on purpose, quite often as I like it ;)

Not sure the statistical approach you're going for here, I've landed crosswind on purpose but I think you may need to ask WHEN you started doing that. I could have 1000 jumps and land crosswind on purpose but started landing crosswind @ 100 jumps

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Not sure the statistical approach you're going for here, I've landed crosswind on purpose but I think you may need to ask WHEN you started doing that. I could have 1000 jumps and land crosswind on purpose but started landing crosswind @ 100 jumps

Agreed, but theres only so much info I can gain from a poll ;) It was more intended as a stimulus to thought and debate. Working well so far I think ;)

Edit: And thanks to all who have contributed so far.
Rich M

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Over Xmas in Eloy I got accustomed to landing in all wind conditions...downwind, crosswind, ect. I try to avoid the downwinders, but they definately teach you a lesson. Learn to set up your pattern and if it all goes to hell, PLF!!!

Here's to the Breezes that blows through the Trezzez.....

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My first downwind was pre 100 jumps. I was doing a coach jump with the DZO and had lost sight of the windsock for a sec so I decided to just follow the DZO in. After all that is what they do at the bigger dropzones right? (we are only a 1 cessna DZ).


He was doing a downwind on purpose of course under his Samurai. At about 6o feet I had the realization that the grass was whipping by faster than I ever had seen it do before. Shit... I almost ran it out too...

I returned to the loft to laughing (as I was still alive and unhurt) and you followed Hutch in? Silly Boy.
I learned a valuable lessons that day:

1) Never follow the DZO in.
2) The importance of being able to land in any direction at any time.
3) don't loose sight of the windsock. but if you do see number 2.

Since then I bought my own gear and coming towards the end of last season I was confident enough to try landing crosswind and downwind often. Many people asked what the hell I was doing. It seemed that I was a radical thinker for wanting to do this on purpose.Got a few pokes for having to walk back so far from the downwinders. but by the end of it I wasn't even really caring what direction I landed in so long as I didn't endanger anyone else cause I was confident in my ability to land my canopy under many different conditions.

I have since bought new gear and I miss that confidence. but it will come. 1 step at a time.


S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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i took a downwind landing in light winds not long ago. another skydiver below me was "hanging out" in brakes waiting for canopy traffic, my canopy being faster than his i tried my best to hang out above and behind him, he finally turned right and landed upwind and away from the peas. i didn't have enough altitude to make a turn and land upwind, so i took the downwind, just slid it in easy. but, for a split second, the thought of making a hard right hand turn did cross my mind. i got three responses out of that landing:
1) Hey Richard, "Land safe, not close"
2) Richard, you did the right thing for not making that low ground turn
3) Hey Richard, you want to explain why you just did what you did on that landing?

just as i was gathering my gear up, a well known camera jumper at this DZ came in and swooped right past me, missing me by inches, landing in a crosswind, wonder if anybody said anything to him? i didn't bother. but on the very first time i took a downwind landing, another jumper was in self induced line twists right under me as we were lining up for final, he was having a very hard time trying to kick out, so i altered my landing pattern to give him all the ground i could, because it wasn't clear where he was going to end up landing, everybody seen what happened there, so there was no problems. as far as crosswind landings go, i do them when i can, when canopy traffic and landing area permits. at certain DZ's with twin otters and small landing areas, it would seem the rw jumpers would have their gear all gathered up, and be headed to the packing area since they are first out of the aircraft, and first to land, but this is often not the case.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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At many places i jump you have only two directions you can land, (like an airport runway). This is due to many reasons: long narrow landing area, like a runway. Obstacles, spectators, bulidings, hangers, or the actual runway. So you must be able to land cross and even down wind or go to the student area. One DZ calls the pattern before you board the airplane, so it is usually down wind down hill, or up hill crosswind; or so it seems.B|

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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Back before I had a "real" job and was REALLY current. I used to land crosswind quite a bit. See...I have what most would consider a BOAT canopy. 326 jumps on a Stiletto 170 loaded about 1.3. If there is ANY wind I have to go crosswind to get any swoop. Just too much drag up there to go into the wind.

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Yes to both crosswind and downwind landings. I was being coached for canopy control and he wanted me to do 3 this way. Since somebody had just got hurt trying to turn low for an upwind landing, he wanted me to know that *I can land in any direction* but don't turn low!! I had 30 jumps at that time.

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I landed crosswind on purpose after about 10 jumps
after hearing about, and unfortunately seeing first hand the consequences of low-timers desperately trying to face upwind by making hard turns far too low.

I've always taken my AFF instructor's advice that the most important thing is to have a square canopy above your head, and don't panic too much if the wind direction isn't perfect for your landing...also its better to have a down/crosswind landing with a clear safe area in front of you than try to force an upwind landing in a tight landing area.

I really believe these points should be stressed more during AFF

I may be gullible but at least I have a magic fish

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First time I landed down wind i broke my tail bone perhaps of the pain i keep jumping only hurts when you are sitting, laughing. then I landed down wind with 20 knots wind longest swoop I ever made, cross winds every so often.

Better land down wind than make a low turn.:)


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I have landed crosswind on purpose and I have over 300 jumps.

I ran out of options when the wind was more dramatic when I landed. (++15 mph) Another 90 degree turn would have had me way too low.

As it turned out, I was absolutely fine. My camera helmet has a scar, I had a tiny concussion but the hearing in my right ear came back after about an hour. (Yes, I got video)

The option to turn into the wind could have had me 6 feet under, too low.

I think at some point you are going to have an injury. If you think not, you are fooling yourself. Ankle sprain, shoulder in the door injury, hard openings, hail damage... all these and more are available to skydivers. Young skydivers need to get aware quickly on how to avoid injuries in the first place.

Hell, I cut my foot one time on a sharp blade of grass. LOL I dont go barefoot much anymore.


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Yes...but not in the name of safety or research.
The pilot likes to park the C-182 between the tie downs witch are marked with pylons. I like to land between the pylons. We like to get there at the same time. I did what I had to do to win...soft landing crosswind in deep brakes( hands in toggles making pistol signs at pilot wile I fly in front of just stopped prop) looking down wind( not at where I was landing) with big ass dog main and over 300 jumps at the time. Never been injured( excluding closing jump door on my thumb). Never do this...Props kill
and this is the only pilot that I know that would think it funny.

Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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I have landed both down wind and cross wind on purpose, BillVon told me to. And by accident, like when the wind changes while you are in mid flare, but don't worry everybody on approach at that exact moment in time will most likely eat shit too.
And a truely enjoy carveing diagonaly in front of Quade at the landing area.
AS far as those downwind numbers go, If it was at night and I don't have said video can I film a recreation with an impersonater stunt swooper or do I have to endure the whole agony of defeat episode myself again? Glen

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No, but I am planning an intentional crosswind when it's blowing about 5mph, just to "get a feel for it". My friends think it's insane, but I want to have a better idea of how to handle it for when I'm forced to land crosswind in higher winds for whatever reason. I would rather be prepared.
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used to have this thing for doing intentional downwind landings often and slide them in, got pretty good at it. Crosswinds didn't go that well usually. Although it is not the smartest thing you can choose to do on purpose it helps to not freak out when you have to take one.

I'm conservative when it comes down to my canopy flying. If I cant take a downwind, then it's too fast for me.


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