
CYPRES 2 announces selectable activation altitude

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It could be considered proper that a single toggle release-descent rate wasn't enough to fire the AAD. It must be a tough call on what descent rate should be allowed, as that much of a turn on a student canopy is pretty likely to happen during normal circumstances. That doesn't deny that the impact would still be lethal, but it is a balance of desired outcomes.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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And I have seen this not work as expected on a Vigil in student mode. I watched a student release a single toggle and then did nothing and rode the spinning canopy to the ground. The student was lucky that they ended up going straight into a woods and the canopy caught the a tree and brought them to a stop since the descent speed was less than the firing speed but still high enough to be fatal if they had hit the ground like that.

I only commented to correct information which was only partially correct, not to start the AAD brand wars all over again. I think we have plenty of threads for that.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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C'mon Phree, give the girl credit. At least she leveled out her canopy before sailing into the trees.

I shudder at the thought of the vigil giving this girl an extra canopy to worry about at 1000 feet. What would happen with two out when one of them has a toggle fire?

And if she can't remember what to do with a good canopy that is turning, or what to do if you don't have a controllable canopy at 2500, I don't have a lick of confidence that she would do anything with two out except ride a spinning downplane into the trees. I'm glad her reserve stayed where it was.

Sure makes a good bonfire story, though.

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CYPRES 2 Announces User-Selectable Activation Altitude

Does it come with a sign readable from 25 feet which is to be mounted on the rig anouncing to your fellow skydivers that you have an AAD set to fire at xxxx altitude?

If a CYPRES set to fire at 750 will fire at 1000 feet in a track what will a CYPRES set to fire at 1500 feet fire at in a track? 2000 feet?

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PIA had been ready to petition the AAD manufacturers to raise their activation altitude in response to changes in gear since Cypres and so a lesser extent Vigil were introduced. Reserves are being designed to open slower, still within TSO but nearer the upper limit, gear is tighter, people are going faster, etc. Over the last decade or so there have been several reserves activated by AADs AND by ripcords that should have had time to open but haven't. Many in PIA and other believe the activation altitude should be high.

Not this manufacturer. This is maddness. Try this on for size. You are on a big way everybody has a CYPRES and each person has set their own altitude. Some could be as high as 1500 feet. The unit raises the firing altitude 100 feet for each advance, up to 1500 feet. I don't want to be there.

I predicted this was going to happen. We did a poll about a year ago. The response was in favor of the rig manufacturers fixing their problem. They don't know how. This won't solve the problem. It will delay root cause definition for a few more years as the manufacturers who make rigs which will not deploy in 300 feet continue to sell defective products.
If the pilot chute won't pull the bag out more altitude will not help.

John - How about doing a seminar at the upcoming PIA Symposium on the trend of tiny, tight containers and reserve extraction problems? I enjoyed your discussion at the Skydive Expo in April.

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So there's a new Cypres 2 manual out for units built or serviced in 2013, showing the details of the user selectable activation altitude.

Full manual:

Update info only:

Other changes:
- changes to selecting landing zone altitude offset
- Speed Cypres activation speed is slightly higher now (46 not 43 m/s)

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