
Step Step......OOF!

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Made about two steps running out my landing yesterday before I went in to a tumble. Now I know how to define a less than optimal landing. When I got home, I had grass and dirt INSIDE my socks:S. So, think I should stop wearing socks?
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Two weeks ago I landed in a ditch along side the road in an off DZ landing. The wind was going the opposite from normal, so that made it downwind cause I didn't check carefully, discovered that the grass and other plants were 18" high, but not until after I had tried to land on top of them, I found all sorts of plant shit everywhere including the inside of my helmet and my socks, but I'm still going to keep wearing them.
I think the plants near DZs have evolved a new way of spreading their seeds, they have figured out that skydivers sometimes visit different DZs, so they cover us in seeds so that we can spread over a greater area.

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If you were landing into wind you should have been able to come to a stop then step down. Don't try to put your feet down until the canopy has stopped flying. Alternatively declare your intention and ensure there are lots of cameras so that we can all see the fun ;)

Rich M

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