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bob.dino 1
QuoteJust checked on my finances and I think if I don't eat for the next few weeks it could work.
I like your style

Hausse 0
Yeah I have some stock I'll probably sell off anyways in a few days and I'll just take a little bit out so I don't get into too much trouble (and I don't want to get unconcious while skydiving because I haven't eaten in days;)
I'm sure by now that I'll do it. Everybody is telling me the usual stuff like "you have enough time so do it later" and so on but since I don't know if there's gonna be a later I'd rather do it now
baseknut 0
QuoteHi everybody.
I just registered on this board so I don't know if the question was already asked 500 times. I searched but couldn't find anything.
I'm an exchange student from Switzerland and I always wanted to do my skydiving license. And since it is a little cheaper over here in the US I will do it here.
But since I'm a pretty poor College Student, I was wondering how much it will cost me in the end. Can anybody give me a price range for the 25 dives I need for the A-License?
And where's the cheapest place to do it. I live in Toledo ,OH but I wouldn't mind driving a few hours for saving money.
it cost me about 1500 to get my A. all in all it will cost many a dollar, and many a beer.

It depends on how well you do (how easily you pass the objectives required). Some people can do it in 25 jumps, others take twice as many.
You can maybe manage it in under $2000. It's mostly up to you (and what your DZ charges).
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan
QuoteI will I'm pretty determined to succeed in school since I want to be able to retire by 35 (yes sounds crazy but that's my goal) and not bother my hole life with not being able to afford what I'd like to.
If you're a skydiver, you're probably not going to be able to save up enough money in your lifetime to retire anywhere near that early. Skydiving does get cheaper when you get gear and a license, but the problem is we just jump more so it's not really any cheaper on our wallets. If you continue to jump, you're probably not just going to drop by and make 1 jump a week, because if you're sticking with it, you will want to jump all you can since you obviously enjoy it so much.
Don't let it get in the way of college, whatever you do. You may want to do it NOW, but the fact is, if it interferes with school you're running the risk of not ever being able to do it, because you didn't learn anything in class daydreaming about jumping. It's better to wait, concentrate on school, get a job then go for it later. Unless you can handle both.
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan
Hausse 0
I won't have any problems with school just because of jumping. The only problem it will bring me in is cash but I'm usually pretty good in handeling that.
Hausse 0
I hope I'll find a job at the college and have the possibility to work at the DZ then I shouldn't have too much trouble.
QuoteYa, I agree, don't worry about having all the cash start to finish to get ya going. As ya have the cash to jump, make the jumps that ya have the cash for. I don't earn much money, but I do jump when I have money to jump, even if it was only a few on each pay check... That was even with renting gear. Now that I have my own gear, I anticipate more jumps per dz visit...
I doubted he would be able to afford to come up with it all at once. Most people can't, especially if they are in school.
If you can do it that way, do it. It's cheaper. Just remember if you have to repeat any jumps you have to pay for that and it adds to the cost.
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan
Hausse 0
QuoteThe point is, that it's about 300$ cheaper if I prepay and that's what I'm going to do.
If you prepay and find you don't like the place (weather, distance), the people (incompatible teaching styles, assholes), or the sport (for many reasons), you're stuck.
At least do one jump first, though I did that, went on to prepay for AFF, and still regretted it, ended up spending far more than saved as a result.
If you really intend to retire by 35, don't start skydiving. To achieve it without a pie in the sky plan based on luck or crime, you have to avoid sports that cost 6 or 8 thousand to start, and 2000 more per year even if you're jumping at a more moderate pace.
Personally, I would rather enjoy the 20s where you have the most flexibility to screw up and be selfish, yet still be able to recover both physically and financially.
Hausse 0
I'm working on enjoying my 20s but that doesn't prevent me from working for financial independence. I'll do my best and even if I don't get it done till I'm 40 it's still better having enjoyed every minute of my life.
Point one, if I hadn't prepaid, I probably wouldn't have stuck with it. Its one thing talking yourself into wasting $2k once. Its another thing talking yourself into wasting $2-300 every weekend. At least for me. Drop the money, and then have fun, instead of having it hang over you every time you consider driving to the drop zone.
Point two is if you want to be independently wealthy and didn't start that way, you don't get to enjoy every minute of your life. Them's the breaks. Sorry.
grue 1
I did that too. 13-14 years ago when jumps were cheaper. The pace was slower but you took more in just by spending more time out there, including sitting through wind holds for students and watching the experienced jumpers land.
Cost me a hair under $800US for my 25 jumps and USPA fees, and that was in 2004

Kiki32 1
QuoteCost me a hair under $800US for my 25 jumps and USPA fees, and that was in 2004
You suck.

I paid about 2k for all my AFF levels (including one repeat) and while it wasnt the cheapest, I do feel I learned a whole lot with it. And I agree completely with Scatter on the fact that if I hadnt prepaid I probably wouldnt have come this far so fast or even at all. Sometimes if you can barely afford it I think getting that out of the way can be the better way. I bet you can find free meals a whole lot easier than you can find free jump courses.
jsaxton 0
your next 2 paychecks, then 1/2 your paycheck for the rest of your life
I stopped by and did a couple of jumps there a while back ... Say hi to Larry and the others from me ...

It's a great DZ and the cocktails by the fire really hit you hard ...
Also see if you can borrow Larry's "stars and stripes" rig ...
Just remember that it doesn't have a cypres !!!
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