
Anyone else hate finals time as much as me!!

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I dont hate them at all. Well come to think of it, I dont have to take them, as I am no longer a student. Maybe that is why the dont bother me, while I recline in the grass with a cold "go fast" one, midday, midweek.......between loads.

Oh whoops....thats probably not helping is it. :) :) :)

PS, when you they open back up, see if you can find a Bella and kick him in the chicken skin for me will ya?

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Nothing is more fun than procrastinating, except jumpin out of planes

a cute skychick once told me..."procrastination is like masterbation... in the end you're just screwing yourself"

and as for me. well i feel no pain for ya.. never got to experiance the pain of finals and probly won't until i'm in my late 30's...... i am 1 class away from my assosiates degree though...........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I, on the other hand, love finals.

I am a teacher, and finals means half days with kids,

So that means you have plenty of extra time, and want to finish this damn paper for me.

- Awesome, thanks a lot ;) -

Well, I will just go to sleep now - just PM when your all done.

P.S. it is due by 11 am - Plenty of time for ya


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I'm right there with ya John. I've got a final today that will determine whether I can continue in the program or not.

Sheesh. Instead of you guys mocking us poor, puppy-eyed, struggling, rather-be-doing-something-else students, you'd think we'd get some vibes or something. ;)

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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This probably dont help but man,Im in school and I friggin LOVE it.
Never bothered to get an education,I was way to busy and now,its just a kick in the ass.
Well,OK,Im in an OSHA class that does suck a little bit more than a little.

The Dude Abides.

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I'm with you on the finals. Finals are just one more oppurtunity for the prof to screw you. Yes, I'm kidding for the teachers out there, but that is what it feels like sometimes.:P

I've got 2 engineering finals and a final report on an experiment I've been running all semster due on tuesday. Love writing papers and studying for finals at the same time....[:/]

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I walked into a final THIS WEEK. The instructor has ended the class 2 weeks early and the final was kind of a pop-quiz...:S

Ugh!!! That just sucks. Makes you wonder what the hell the prof is thinking. "Hey, I have a good idea, let me surprise the final on my students 2 weeks before finals start. I'm sure I will be able to fail at least half of them with this scheme."

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didn't bother starting my paper till 2300, but turned it in this morning, not so bright eyed and bushy tailed though ;)

I am glad you finished yours

I didn't finish mine until about 10 mins after class started - damn printers - ? Profs do not really care about all that spelling and grammar nonsense do they?

Well now I am off to teach myself a months worth of physics in the next day and a half - I really should start paying attention in class

-My feelings still haven't changed - damn finals!


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