
Why I like Canada

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Judy, you should have made it allow multiple selections!

I also like Canada because it gives Michiganders someone to feel superior to.;)

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I like Canada because I can wear my flag on my backpack when I travel the world (cheezy, i know) and not fear insults and bullets in the back.

Did I just kill another thread?

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That's kinda funny because a guy on the radio down here (TN) said his wife ordered a bunch of Canadian stickers to put on their luggage because she travels so much.

and in case anyone was wondering, I was/am for the war, Saddam is a very bad man and needs to be punished.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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When I was in Australia I travelled with a guy from Boston that had a huge Canadian flag on his pack. I thought it was hilarious to hear him pretend to be from up here. Real nice guy though, as most americans I met. Except for that one guy who was always looking for a Pizza Hut....

Did I just kill another thread?

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How could you not love Canada? I have gotten so trashed and had so much fun with Canadians, I can't even remember;)

L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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I like Canada for all of the above reasons and then some...but especially because the love of my life, AndyMan is from there!

The two of us just got back from a long Easter weekend in Toronto, and we had a great time visiting his friends and family. Too bad Toronto was just added to the World Health Organisation's "don't travel here" SARS list... :P


"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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I know a Canadien. He is one of my best friends. I think very highly of him so therefore I think highly of Canadiens...
Plus when growing up in New Hampshire me my dad and sis would travel to Toronto and Montreal frequently... Awesome cities. 'specially old Montreal.

Even though they talk kinda funny ~ i think they're a good neighbour to haveB|

Cheers Peter!!

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Welcome to Canada, it's the Maple Leaf State.
Canada, oh Canada it's great!
The people are nice and they speak French too.
If you don't like it, man, you sniff glue.
The Great White North, their kilts are plaid,
Hosers take off, it's not half bad.
I want to be where yaks can run free,
Where Royal Mounties can arrest me.

Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.

They've got trees, and mooses, and sled dogs,
Lots of lumber, and lumberjacks, and logs!
We all think it's kind of a drag,
That you have to go there to get milk in a bag.
They say "eh?" instead of "what?" or "duh?"
That's the mighty power of Canada.
I want to be where lemmings run into the sea,
Where the marmosets can attack me.

Please, please, explain to me,
How this all has come to be,
We forgot to mention something here.
Did we say that William Shatner is a native citizen?
And Slurpees made from venison,
That's deer.

-"Oh, Canada" by Five Iron Frenzy

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I live in Seattle and our cable system has CBC... The Olympics was fun.. I would turn on CBC and get hours of Hockey and Curling.......

Men with Brooms.......HURRRY>>>>>HURRRY....HURRRYY

Seriously.. their news throws a different slant on things, I love that about CBC or BBC for that matter.
Real news.. not which congressman is chasing some intern this week.


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