suz 0 #1 April 24, 2003 Here's the deal... I just resigned from my job, due to protest, and at the moment I am scraping money together by delivering pizza's. It's the most degrading job I have ever encountered and I am seriously thinking of moving to a bigger city, as where I am currently living is offering jack (jobwise). I am hoping that some of you guys have some inspiring stories that will lift my spirits up....have any of you done the big gut wrenching move to another city, all on your lonesome?? (I am single, no babies, not even a goldfish!) This is really getting me down, as I have to hold off my AFF course, god knows for how long.... I cant even afford to pay rent! as I am only earning $100 a week delivering pizza's, but thank god I am living with my parents and that they are understanding. **sigh** this is doing nothing for my sense of pride! Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #2 April 24, 2003 I don't know much about Australia, but I have made many, many moves and can say that they have all been learning experiences. As a single guy, I can attest to the fact that bigger markets have more to offer in every way, jobs, entertainment, people, etc. Do some research, come up with a plan and make the move. You can do it.So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suz 0 #3 April 24, 2003 Thanks Max, I guess that I need to work on the whole confidence thing. It's hard to "pick yourself up" when your a bit down. I think alot of it has to do with not be able to skydive, it's really bringing me down. Miss all my mates at the DZ. Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suz 0 #4 April 24, 2003 Quote Bill Gates - " Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping - they call it opportunity...." Good ol Bill! Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keith 0 #5 April 24, 2003 Suz: In my early 20's I dicided to pick up and move - as it turned out, all by my lonesome. It was tough, lonely and sometimes depressing, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. It was a great growing experience. PM me if you want to know more.Keith Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deleted 0 #6 April 24, 2003 It is really hard to do. I have moved from ohio to California. And other places. All on my own. And you can make it work, one way or the other. And If I where matter where you go find the local DZ. The people are almost allways welcoming. And you could make some good money Packing. Just depends on how hard you want to work. But no matter what, you can pull yourself through anything, just have faith. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeded 0 #7 April 24, 2003 Just hang in there and do what ya gotta do.Hell,Im 39 and I could drop out of school today and go back to a line of work that I did for 20+ years and have me a decent paycheck.As it is right now,Im looking for a night job,janitor or something.No pride issues,just to pay the bills.Im gonna stick with the school thing for another year and hopefully get a job that I enjoy. Hang in there Oh,and I like pepperoni dropdeded ------------------------------------------ The Dude Abides. - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterhand 0 #8 April 24, 2003 hey..... ran off with a carnival age 19, lived in a ford tempo for awhile. packed my life into my car age 23 and crossed the u.s. from boston to sacramento california, 3250 miles in 4 days. arrived with total personal posessions being one 20 year old car with no rear window, 700$ left to survive on till i find income, a pile of tools and spare parts for the ride and some clothes. lived there a year, made out ok, went home same way i came. restarted yet again back home, with nothing but some cash and a car. Nomadic Survival Tip #62: for those nomads who just hate to wear "hello my name is" tags and are even remotely handy with tools , any major city will have several temp agencies, some better than others. if you go to cali, immediate survival can be guaranteed at Labor Ready where you can get horrible and not so horrible labor jobs and get paid cash same day. important when you're living in your car down to half a tank of gas 6$ and yesterday's last donut and your car just threw the alternator. any city will also have an industrial park part of town somewhere with light industry/warehousing. find it, scout it, identify what they do visually if possible, get a phone book. usually good pay, lots of jobs you can live on entry level. drive forklift, unload stuff, fill boxes, push buttons in light manufacturing, fix things. starting upwards of 10-12$ an hour is not uncommon, MUCH better than flipping burgers. living like that is rough and uncomfortable but it IS interesting as hell. do it! go somewhere! try the factories. shortcut to middle class anywhere you go where theres industry. every time i've done this i did it alone and made out ok and learned a lot fast. my .02$ edit: just looked at your profile. you're in australia? i have absolutely no idea how the job market works there or if you even have anything like temp agencies there. good luck. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #9 April 24, 2003 I escaped from home at a fairly early age. went in to the USAF...after that I went back home again for a year.. started college... got sick of Florida ( to hot, to many bugs, to flat, to many people, to many RELATIVES) I then moved back to the Pacific NorthWET 3000 miles away and started all over. I went to school and worked part time and was always broke. I even quit jumping and sold my rig. In the long run though I got a good career and a good life. Its been an interesting road so far. One month ago I finally started jumping again after a 22 year layoff. The bottom line is.. Change was very good. If the current situation is not where you see yourself spending your life.. change it. Amazon Hey I made it to enthusiast...woo hoo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #10 April 24, 2003 I've moved and come up smelling roses too. In my case, I went to work for the dropzone as a rigger, making inadequate money. However, as a jumper my social needs were met, so all I had to spend money on was food, shelter, and my paid-for-and-still-running car. I did without insurance, something I absolutely don't recommend now. Do an inventory of your skills, Suz, and decide where you want to be living in 5 years. Then go there now, stay with a friend (or another skydiver -- same difference) while you look for work. Offer money or cleaning/repairs/whatever you can for rent. You can do it -- you're bright, resourceful, and from how you write, you're well-spoken. Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luv2Fall 0 #11 April 24, 2003 Hang tight! I know a lady who lost everything, job, family and freedom who made a mistake and landed in jail. She served her time and after release she could only get "shitty paying" jobs that no one else wanted.................she persevered. After about six years of that and never giving up she now earns nearly $100,000 a year. Anything is possible if you possess the desire, go throught the bad times and never give up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliezulu 0 #12 April 24, 2003 I love the chance to make a clean break when I can get it! Unfortunately, that doesn't happen anymore - wife #3 and child #2 took care of that. However, I used to deliver pizzas for a living myself, and figured out how to make it work. Not sure about Australia, but here, you can always find pizza coupons in the newspaper. Cut out all of them that you can get ahold of, and use them on all of your deliveries. Just sub them in to your cash at the end of the night, and the total looks like tips. I was able to turn a crappy high school job into $15/hr that way. And I ate nothing but pizza for about a year. CZ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeded 0 #13 April 24, 2003 hey..... ran off with a carnival age 19, lived in a ford tempo for awhile __________________________________________________ Dude,me too.Except it was a yellow VW Bug and there were 4 of us traveling in it.Ahhh,the life of a ride jock. I Love Robbin Marks dropdeded ------------------------------------------ The Dude Abides. - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpy 0 #14 April 24, 2003 Quote I love the chance to make a clean break when I can get it! Unfortunately, that doesn't happen anymore - wife #3 and child #2 took care of that. However, I used to deliver pizzas for a living myself, and figured out how to make it work. Not sure about Australia, but here, you can always find pizza coupons in the newspaper. Cut out all of them that you can get ahold of, and use them on all of your deliveries. Just sub them in to your cash at the end of the night, and the total looks like tips. I was able to turn a crappy high school job into $15/hr that way. And I ate nothing but pizza for about a year. AHAHAHAHAHA! that is the damn best plan ever!!! As for some advice for suz I don't exactly have alot of life experience in this area as i'm still in high school but hey.. something you don't like.. change it! And as for missing your friends at the dz? There's nothing wrong with hanging around the dz and not jumping. The people rock and its gotta improve your mood at least a little Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suz 0 #15 April 24, 2003 Quote just looked at your profile. you're in australia? i have absolutely no idea how the job market works there or if you even have anything like temp agencies there. good luck. BWHAHAHAHA! all that response and then you read my profile!? that cacked me up!! thank you - needed that! Seriously now.....that is an inspiring story you have told, I dont know about the whole "shoving my life into my car" thing, I do have alot of clothes!!! and I am a girl that cannot part with her furniture that she spent thousands of dollars on! but that's a brilliant story, I bow down to you! Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monarch135 0 #16 April 24, 2003 I would give anything to be in Australia! I have some family there the thing is they wouldnt let me skydive if i went. you think my fluorescent orange reflex could pass as a backpack?!... fired a year ago, i dont have any friends at my dropzone, life sucks i swear if i didnt have a cat! ...wait this isnt about me what a wanker!... ok so my feelings for you, just keep smiling! Everything happens for a reason, there is such a thing as karma, and dream about skydiving. blues "and im looking to the sky to save me..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites