
A REAL personality test

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If you guys really want to analyze what you're like, this is the most reliable source I found online to do so:


Good luck! I really liked the answer they gave me! I'm not surprised about it at all, either. My donut fascination gives away who I am! :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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"You are Homer. Your sensitive soul seldom finds itself expressed in action. Though you may be capable of rising to a challenge when pushed by fluke or sudden fervour, you are more likely to remain a Lounge Prophet and rejoice in personal distractions rather than public causes. Homer is your man."
Say no to subliminal messages

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You are Bart. You reckon you’re quite a rebel but your cause is somewhat vague. You occasionally find yourself embracing a meaningful challenge but you are just as happy with momentary menacing for the sake of sensation. Bart is your God.

B| ---i think--- :|

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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Why did mine say Mickey Mouse??!! hate Mickey Mouse. When I was a girl of some seven tender years, we lived in Tampa. My father's two daughters from his previous marriage came to visit, so it was Take The Kids to Disneyworld time. My father headed, understandably for a man who's driven three hours, fought parking, and walked a mile or better in the company of his preteen and teenage daughter and his wife, for the Biergarten Tent and the International Marketplace. Me, I started getting a migraine. Seven years old, hate crowds, hate loud noises, add a blisteringly bright Orlando afternoon to the mix. Yes. One very unhappy mini-me. My mother goes to look for my father and her step-children, and sticks me outside of that dratted castle with a paper cup of ice water and tells me to stay there. No problem; at this point, Mini-Me is ready to crawl into a hole and die. When all of the sudden, the stench of a thousand people and a thousand more discarded iced cream bars is interrupted by huge yellow hands and the stink of polyester baking in the sun assailing little me. Yup; Good Ole Mickey saw a kid sitting alone and looking miserable in the Magic Kingdom and decided to heft the kid up, squawking about how great it was to see one of his good friends. I freaked, whacked the guy in the rat suit in the eye, and hid under a bench while several children started bawling like I'd just shit in the milk of the Virgin. I hate Mickey Mouse. :o

The flowing wave returns not, nor does the passing hour.

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Why am I not seeing any Ned Flanders around here? What's wrong with you people? At least I'm not a rebel. I'm just fat and lazy! :D

You haven't been eating your ice cream??:P:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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