
Raeford in April

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Well, since Pam and I are the only sweethearts I know coming you'll have to make do with us, but I'll bring lots of sweettarts.

Sweetheart huh? Well, never been called that or a lady before, but I don't mind ;)

The weather looks for shit this weekend. I hope that changes!

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Compared to the guys we are sweethears. Trust me on this one.

Think good thoughts on the weather. If all else fails we'll have to start our nig noggery early.:P

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Night jumps...no thanks I'll watch though. I'm sure you'll find a monkey or two that will play with ya. Shall I add you to the for sure list???? Come on, you know you don't want to miss this.

Oh, LeRoy is that better???:P

Not fer sure just yet.. have to figure out some logistical things...


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Nobody is buying that crap from you. Just bring the beer. :P

Wow. So, so...authoritative, so in control... Well, I guess we know who's bringing the leather & a whip to RPC.;)

(I am so gonna' get it now...)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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As for the night jumps: that is something we can technically accomplish, moon phase permitting, but like Kate said: do you really want to put off partying just for the sake of night jumping? I don't; not with Bob Steel playing on Saturday night.

Weather? Never trust a forecast that far in advance. Also, please refrain from jinxing us. :P


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why is it that i am never sround for the night jumps?? every weekend that i am there, they get caneceled. all i need for my D!! ok ill stop whining, ill except my fate that im gona be sober, cold and sleeping under the stars that weekend.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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What's this about leather an whips:o???? I thought I had all the cool toys in town(things that make ya go BOOM), but now Lisa is going to bring her own? Might have to behave lest the whip comes out:D

Hearts & Minds
2 to the Heart-
1 to the Mind-
Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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Does anyone else find it deliciously ironic that for an informal Gathering in Raeford, this thread has 1/3rd more posts than the Perris Memorial thread and 2/3rds the number of confirmed attendees?B|

Damn, we're a bunch of rockin' monkeys.;)


Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Well, I tried to get those left coasters to do a Right Coast Official boogie but you know how that goes.

Guess for Officially Unofficial we do a damn good job. Even without anyone coming from the left coast we have quite the crowd, plus the best party monkeys. Right Big Daddy??

Now, you boys behave or I'll be forced to apply spankings all around. CM, nothing wrong with your BOOM toys, mine are just as fun though.:$

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Okay Raefordlight gave me the scoup.. who is interested in night jumps? They need 15 people by friday that are willing to stay "sober" :

For a full briefing, ground crew, at least one AFF instructor to teach and jump, pilot, etc. we need 15 folks wanting to complete the two night jumps. Sunset is at approximately 6:45pm, so the night jumps will finish about 9PM

RPC usually schedules training night jumps well in advance for both the work crew (who are mostly volunteers) and the jumpers.

If you have never jumped at RPC before, I strongly recommend doing several daylight jumps at our DZ before the night jumps.

Night jumps are $25 each. Please bring any chem lights and strobes you may have. We have several but can not guarantee outfitting everyone.

If still interested, I would need to arrange the staff now. I will also need confirmed names of folks wanting to stay sober and participate by Friday.

List starts here:

1. Kevin922
2. Lou Diamond
3. PLFKing

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Just need to get some new targets....

"SIR! Water tower at 280 degrees, range 350 yards....looks hostile, Sir! Permission to fire a round across their bow, Sir!"

I know what a water-filled milk jug looks like when hit by a .357 Magnum round.....that blue water tower would have to be 100 times more spectacular. ;)


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