christopherm 0 #1 January 3, 2002 Anyone seen the new skydiving movie "Cutaway" yet? I watched it the other night because I think it is fun to rent a horrible movie every once in a while just to laugh. It wasn't as bad as what I thought it might be. I little corny but what can you expect with Tom Berringer and Steven Baldwin. At least no one talked to each other in freefall.Brief summary is that Redline (Tom Berringer) is a leader of a 8-way speed team. They are trying to make it to nationals to beat ARMY. They don't have money so they smuggle drugs into US by jumping out of plane at night (I think I just found a new way to pay for jumps :). Steven Baldwin's character is a undercover cop who falls in love with the sport while trying to bust the smugglers.I give movie 4.5 on scale of 1-10. What do you all think? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiataDRM 0 #2 January 3, 2002 "Cutaway!" Nope never heard of it...I deny any accusations of having seen it 8 times so far! :o) The movie could have been much worse, but it's still fun to watch during the cold season on a wkday when you REEEAAAALLLLY want to jump. They could have spiced it up w/ more freeflying & booby shots...oooh, or how about nude jumps! IMHO of course.**I'm a Pschydiver!Majdi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #3 January 3, 2002 Instead of a speed star, they could have done a hard core 4-way team or something like that. Actually, a swoop meet would have been really damn enteraining. That and combine it with the same people trying to compete in a freefly event or something like that. Actually they should have done hit-n-chugs, that would have been a better representation of the skydiving know, drinking. Once you're gone, you can't come backWhen you're out of the blueAnd into the black-NeilYoung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #4 January 3, 2002 i own that film I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ojf1982 0 #5 January 3, 2002 That movie sucks ass!! Guy Manos director of the film regular jumps at my DZ Skydive Miami. One time when i saw him there I was tempted to tell him that his movie sucked!Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life!Omar B-24801 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #6 January 3, 2002 Atleast he tried and it was a bit more realistic then the rest of the "skydiving" movies out there and much more realistic then most skydiving sequences in most of the whuffo movies. You know, where someone dives for a rig, puts one on and deploys...or they catch someone and pull a Mr. Bill that works...Once you're gone, you can't come backWhen you're out of the blueAnd into the black-NeilYoung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkM 0 #7 January 3, 2002 Cutaway wasn't too bad. Seen worse(*cough* Dropzone *cough*). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jtval 0 #8 January 3, 2002 if you look at it as a b movie that a whuffo might see, it may spark some interest to look into our sport(way of life)but if you see a Baldwin's name on ANYTHING, dont expect much. i think it was, at least, a noble attempt to get skydiving noticed.but really could they make a movie about a real DROPZONE without making it rated...well... X- rated?Have fun, LIVE FREE, SkydiveJT Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #9 January 3, 2002 If anything, a TV show about real life at a DZ would be a great reality show. Sort of like Real World or something. The "plot" could center around a couple different teams practicing at the same DZ, preparing for a big competion. All the politics, romance, partying, life and sometimes tradgedy. Atleast I think it would interesting and unlike "Real World," I would actually watch this show. Just aslong as it wasn't on TV during the weekend, since I would be *at* the DZ...Once you're gone, you can't come backWhen you're out of the blueAnd into the black-NeilYoung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deefly 0 #10 January 3, 2002 "Cutaway" wasn't bad. They are getting better! I don't think I would like a "Real World" show on skydiving. Skydiving is like a family and you won't want your family life on TV for all to see, would you? Blue skies and warm weather!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hisgoofyness 0 #11 January 3, 2002 out of all the major productions "cutaway" had to be the best of them all, but even at its best it still lacked a certain amount of entertainmentyou have to give them some credit for trying to at least make it seem realhisgoofynessits a bird, its a plane, no wait, its one goofy s.o.b. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scottbre 0 #12 January 3, 2002 Oh man, a skydiving reality show sounds absolutely horrible. It would be so boring. Yech!"Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #13 January 3, 2002 QuoteI was tempted to tell him that his movie sucked! It's been done!! He knows the movie is a laffing fest for true skydivers. I still can't figure out what he was trying to do. Keep the whuffos confused or what but that movie bites! [curse]May the fleas from a thousand norhteastern flying bovine lepers infect his crotch area!! [/curse]My New Website with 24hr Chat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beckrj 0 #14 January 3, 2002 Stephen Baldwain AND Dennis Rodman. What more could you ask for. But then Dennis goes in. OOPS did I ruin it for anyone?The movie sucks major ass but I must admit that it did heighten my interest in the sport. I watched it just before I made my first jump. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #15 January 3, 2002 I actually bought the DVD version of this movie the beginning of 2001 - it totally sucked pipe. Part that cracks me up is when the dude bounces exactly in the middle of the peas. Then you see a close-up of his corpse and it looks like he is sleeping - no damage whatsoever from his high-speed impact with the planet... This was waaaaaay more ridiculous than the talking in freefall in Point Break (and the 4 minute freefall in PB was a helluva lot more entertaining too).Will Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #16 January 3, 2002 Oh my God soooooo many things about that movie made me spit-take my beer. "Turbo"...oh criminy even the name cracks me up. Hee hee....Which of the actors were real skydivers? I forget...I hope they took the ribbing they were duly owed.Pet me! I'm harmless and cute! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #17 January 3, 2002 Click here for the review of Cutaway in the Slammer.Speed RacerWhat contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!-WC Fields Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #18 January 3, 2002 I've always thought of it as a low grade porn film for skydivers, just without the sex. So, you see some skydives and stuff and have a laughable plot. Now, if there *was* a lot of sex, it would have sold better and had better reviews, I'm sure.Once you're gone, you can't come backWhen you're out of the blueAnd into the black-NeilYoung Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lippy 918 #19 January 3, 2002 Okay, so it wasn't the best movie ever, but when you live in Alberta, and havn't done a F&$kin jump in 3 months, its better than nothing. I must have seen it 4 times since October, and will probably watch it a few more before March. I can't even watch my videos from my DZ cuz I don't have a VCR, so suddenly Cutaway just ain't that bad. Anybody seen Eraser lately? In this one scene, Arnie uses a chair to take out a jet engine, then chases a parachute out the door, goes head down to catch it, puts it on in freefall, pulls his cutaway handle to deploy his main, (a round with toggles) and then starts shooting the windshield of the plane he just left, which somehow caught up to him while he was head-down. Now that's cheesyLive to Jump, Pull to Live,Lippy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scottbre 0 #20 January 3, 2002 That's really funny, I am going to have to re-watch Eraser now. The first time I saw it I wasn't a skydiver so nothing even occurred to me. "Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chicagoskydiver 0 #21 January 3, 2002 I've seen that movie and the one thing that kept going through my mind was that these people must be total morons if they need to dirt dive a speed star dozens of times. Also, notice the drougeless tandem? And there was no separation on exit! It was kinda cool though how Stephen Baldwin was doing head downs with a space ball during his student progression! That's pretty realistic! NOT! Also, I heard that Army Golden Knights seargent call 8 way speed star "the premier competetive event in skydiving"....HUH? I could go on and in the beginning when Stephen Baldwin was watching the skysurfer from the ground! Let's just insult everyone's intelligence! Of course, most whuffos don't know the difference anyway.Hackey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyhawk 2 #22 January 4, 2002 hey i thought it was a great movie come on everyone if you want to see a "true" skydiving movie get somthen like good stuff. this had to be aimed at wuffos or they coldnt of made it. and he tried to explain some of it like freeflyen in student well he did have a good coach and unlimited access to a wind tunnel Click Me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #23 January 4, 2002 Geez, you guys! Name ONE movie about ANY subject that is 100% realistic. It's a movie; of course it's not going to relate to real life. And all of your first full length movies were Oscar worthy, right?pull and flare,lisa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hooked 0 #24 January 4, 2002 I like that idea! There are too many people who don't have a "clue" about what skydiving is today! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prost 0 #25 January 4, 2002 What do you mean the "new" movie cutaway. That movie is several years old. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites