
CUTAWAY (movie)

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Cutaway was on TV last night. First time I ever saw it. As insanely unreal and stupid as a lot of it was, I have to say it was a lot better thn Dropzone!!!!

At least there was a good deal of real footage in this one.

Wouldn't it be great though if we all could be pro's with 2 jumps and some tunnel time?


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Watched it too,I was just wondering though,there is a bunch of jumpers that exit in a big balled up mess (and stay that way) in one scene.That looked so friggin coolB|.Does that,uh,"manuever"got a name?


The Dude Abides.

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I know what your talking about, and I have no idea???

The funniest thing though is this.

At the very begining of the movie Vic goes to the DZ and looks up and sees people in Freefall and says wow.. look at that.
Now, we all know you can't really see someone skyboarding that well with the naked eye.
In the rest of the movie they are using binoculars to view them. So my question to them is> What happened between the begining f the movie and the rest?

Suddenly everyone got further away???

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a bunch of jumpers that exit in a big balled up mess (and stay that way)

isn't that one o them thar FUBAR tube exits?;)
or perhaps a zoo load in the making?
The movie did have some awesome camera work to help balance out the unreality of the rest-:)
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says... he is giving me a reputation I do not deserve!

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WOW very good point!!!! not that complicated is it!!!!!

Well, you and 9 buddies complete a speedstar to USPA rules in 9 seconds like STL did at Nationals this year, and you can tell us how easy it really is.

Three times is enemy action

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Weird - I rented Cutaway last night. Apart from the areial footage and the bird (Maxine Bahns), that was suckola. I'd probably rent it again though. :S Also, did anyone else how much Stephen Baldwin looked like a gorilla, in the way he stood and the way he walked?

Also, I wish I could get a made to measure Kurupee suit made as quick as he did. Beating Golden Knights in FF suits - don't think so!

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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Watched it too,I was just wondering though,there is a bunch of jumpers that exit in a big balled up mess (and stay that way) in one scene.That looked so friggin coolB|.Does that,uh,"manuever"got a name?

ive been on a few FF jumps where we did something like that intentionally, someone called it the 'molecule' -pile in the door grab any limb you see, throw it out and try to make it fly without changing grips too much..;)

loads of fun, some work, some dont..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Yeah,, I watched it as well at my folks houe, they were busy watching somehting set in the 50's where some guys wife catches him cheating on her with another man.
the ending was funny where baldwin was like :"your're under arrest, and besides your too low to use your reserve"
and hard core skydiver guy was like :" I won't be needin it" and he like cuts away and burns in.
that was like so cool man, so cool. and then like how baldwin keeps the team like, goin ya know. sayin how thery're going to have to jump even more next year.
That movie gave me a whole new appreciation for bellyflying, or not...

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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did 10 way speed at rantoult his year and we dirt dived A LOT. you'd be suprised how

much is involved with timing, counts, etc.

What she said. B| Dirt diving is a big part of it. All in the exit order. First two people out are the dive-floaters, people 3 and 4 are the base, 5-6-7-8 dive to sides. Last 2 divers are the best swoopers, come in hot and hammer the brakes.

Line up, exit, presentation, speed. Love it, love itttttt. B|B|

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Does that,uh,"manuever"got a name?


Think we call it a "blot".


Whatever its called,it sure looked like a good time:ph34r:.

Most Ive ever done was that attempted 4 way,jump #26,the one where I,uh,turned a little low and had a uh,hard landing:S.


The Dude Abides.

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It is not that I though it was easy.. I just couldn't have imagined there was a LOT of dirt diving for it!!

I know it must be difficult, but the concept is quite simple. Everyone knows their positions, and where they "should" be, I just didn't suspect a DD was needed.

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the movie has on again last night. I watched it. It was the first time I had seen it since it originally came out. I didnt think that it was as bad as it was when I first saw it. I think thats because I remember watching it and thinking that this is the worst movie over...I guess after continually thinking that it was the worst movie for the past couple of years, I dint have very high expectations, but it wasnt as bad as I remembered it. funny. Its still a pretty bad movie, but it was more entertaining than anything else on saturday night.

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What amazed me quite a lot while watching the movie is how little seperation they had on some openings.

There are times when they've completed the star, and they all just do a 180 and open without even a small attempt at tracking.
As the camera-man continues to fall you see chutes open en fly in every direction except the right one..

Looked quite dangerous to me...but then again...who am i (a lame chacky chan movie I was in as an extra btw;)
I'm an Athlete?

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What amazed me quite a lot while watching the movie is how little seperation they had on some openings.

It's a pretty cool visual that even skydivers don't see often. I'm sure they were just willing to take a little extra risk to get a few cool shots. Not as if there were any low timers on those jumps.


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did 10 way speed at rantoult his year and we dirt dived A LOT. you'd be suprised how

much is involved with timing, counts, etc.

What she said. B| Dirt diving is a big part of it. All in the exit order. First two people out are the dive-floaters, people 3 and 4 are the base, 5-6-7-8 dive to sides. Last 2 divers are the best swoopers, come in hot and hammer the brakes.

Line up, exit, presentation, speed. Love it, love itttttt. B|B|

Two dive-floaters is not enough - it puts the divers too far from the base. These days it's more common to have three or four dive floaters - which means the first one out has a lot of uphill tracking to do.

Of course, the "professionals" in Cutaway had no dive floaters, #1 was the base and everyone else was a diver:S

The dirt diving mostly concentrates on the exit and timing; 0.1 seconds on the exit translates into 1 second in completion time.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Watched it too,I was just wondering though,there is a bunch of jumpers that exit in a big balled up mess (and stay that way) in one scene.That looked so friggin coolB|.Does that,uh,"manuever"got a name?


That is called a Molecule Exit, you get as many people in a bunch and you take a grip anywhere! You never know what will happen, its fun for a few seconds.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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As stupid as this movie was, and as poorly acted, I thought the story elements were probably more accurate than any other skydiving movie I've seen.

There was the DZ operated on drug money (that NEVER happens :)). Then there was the guy that quit his high-paying job as a lawyer to live at the DZ and jump. The kid that no one respected. Lots of elements that I recognized as a skydiver - not just the common media portrayal of our sport.

Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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As stupid as this movie was, and as poorly acted, I thought the story elements were probably more accurate than any other skydiving movie I've seen.

My only problem is that the writer/director/producer makes all skydivers look like freaking drug smugglers in EVERY movie he makes.

Great PR for our sport.


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