
CUTAWAY (movie)

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>My only problem is that the writer/director/producer makes all
> skydivers look like freaking drug smugglers in EVERY movie he
> makes.

In cutaway there was one drug smuggler; in dropzone there were 4-5 smugglers in a team. I didn't see any implication that all skydivers were drug smugglers. The proportions listed above seem pretty consistent compared to the DZ's I started at.

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Was cutaway the one were they tortured the dude by taking him on back to back tandems or was that dropzone? That always cracked me up!! :D

He (the character) wasn't being tortured - he was being trained/conditioned to make the rooftop tandem landing that was central to the plot.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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My only problem is that the writer/director/producer makes all skydivers look like freaking drug smugglers in EVERY movie he makes.

Most of them make skydivers look like bad-boys. Let's see - dropzone; drugs, sorta, raids on FBI computers - terminal velocity; what was it? Gold smuggling and murder? - Gypsy Moths; death-defying (mostly) thrillseekers - Fandango was funny but you were left with the impression that you have about a 50-50 chance when you jump.

I think the majority of the public can't relate to the excitement of actually jumping, so they have to make the story interesting with gangsters and fast cars. Personally, I'm disappointed that Hollywood can't take something as interesting as skydiving and turn it into a good story. You have equipment failures, near-misses with aircraft, tandem students that puke on you, broken planes, etc, etc. Seems ripe for a good story that's closer to the truth.
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...but they always seem to be bad guys:
point break - bank robbers
cutaway - drug smugglers
drop zone - ex-dea agent selling undercover info to drug smugglers
terminal velocity - spies of some sort.

that said, i guess there usually seems to be good skydivers helping the cops catch the bad skydivers. B|

"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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My only problem is that the writer/director/producer makes all skydivers look like freaking drug smugglers in EVERY movie he makes.

Well, maybe that's his reality. Maybe he knew a guy that financed a 10-way team that way . . . could happen ya know! ;)

I think Dan B.C. wrote a story about a 4-way team a few years back, but I don't think he was ever able to sell it to anyone. And I think I know a certain screenwriter that is working on another skydiving script that is more reality based. Since she's actually hooked into the hollywood scene a bit better that may actually have a chance, but of course, all screenwriting is like playing the lottery with the odds being just about the same.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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What amazed me quite a lot while watching the movie is how little seperation they had on some openings.

I always wondered if this was what Airspeed did to stay so close and fly and land their canopies right next to each other. They probably don't deploy that close though.

Does anyone know if the actors in this movie specifically Baldwin or Berenger did much skydiving. I thought it looked really funny when Baldwin would turn and slowly move away about two feet and then deploy. The look on his face:D.

Oh, and was there ever even and 8way speed star? Don't know my history!

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From what I've read, Berenger and Baldwin got licensed for the movie - and when they could not be found on a set, they were at the DZ fun jumping.

It'd be nice to have an income like that for jumptickets. (and/or write your training off as a business expense)

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Most of them make skydivers look like bad-boys.

Thats why you never see a similar movie on BASE,evrybody knows we are the nicest,that couldnt do such things(The Base jumps in the movie were just to inpress);):ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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My only problem is that the writer/director/producer makes all skydivers look like freaking drug smugglers in EVERY movie he makes.

Great PR for our sport.


Like in Dropzone, the computer guy is always breaking into some bank or the FBI. Us nerds are always being portrayed as criminals. Skydiving nerds must be in charge of the criminal underworld. ;) Of course, we are spending all our ill-gotten gains on glasses with tape in the middle and new mouse pads. :D

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Well, you and 9 buddies complete a speedstar to USPA rules in 9 seconds

--->A lot goes into it, but in the movie, dont you think the dirt diving with the creepers on the ramp was a bit.......overkill??.........seriously, I laughed my self sick through the movie......it was a pathetic waste of film brought to us by people who should have the knowledge to make a decent production.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Was cutaway the one were they tortured the dude by taking him on back to back tandems or was that dropzone? That always cracked me up!! :D

He (the character) wasn't being tortured - he was being trained/conditioned to make the rooftop tandem landing that was central to the plot.

As an aside here, let me fill everyone in (in case you did not see this): Michael Jeter. who played Leedy in DropZone and the asst. coach in Evening Shade, died last week at his home in California. He was 50.

Mr. Jeter was found by his life partner, Mr. Sean Blue, on Sunday at his Hollywood Hills home, the Los Angeles Times reported. Jeter was HIV-positive and reportedly in good health. An autopsy has been scheduled to determine the cause of death.

Blue Skies, Michael.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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>point break - bank robbers
>cutaway - drug smugglers
>drop zone - ex-dea agent selling undercover info to drug smugglers
>terminal velocity - spies of some sort.

I can think of:

-one guy who did time for selling drugs and now runs a DZ with a suprising amount of cash on hand
-one guy who did a few years for running drugs in a King Air
-a few people who stole $10,000+ worth of gear
-five cases of attempted murder through rig sabotage
-half a dozen drug arrests
-a DZO who helped a guy parachute into a World Series game unannounced

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Well, you and 9 buddies complete a speedstar to USPA rules in 9 seconds

--->A lot goes into it, but in the movie, dont you think the dirt diving with the creepers on the ramp was a bit.......overkill??.........seriously, I laughed my self sick through the movie......it was a pathetic waste of film brought to us by people who should have the knowledge to make a decent production.


Indeed - creeping for a speedstar is overkill. I have seen a serious 10-way team use creepers for some of the more difficult formations. Most of the dirt diving involves getting the exit right. It was interesting to see them using an Otter in the hangar, with a large thick foam pad under the door for them to land on in a big heap of arms, legs and rigs.

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I can think of:

-one guy who did time for selling drugs and now runs a DZ with a suprising amount of cash on hand
-one guy who did a few years for running drugs in a King Air
-a few people who stole $10,000+ worth of gear
-five cases of attempted murder through rig sabotage
-half a dozen drug arrests
-a DZO who helped a guy parachute into a World Series game unannounced

The truth is out, it is all BillVons friends. He is the ringleader of the drug/spy/criminal/skydiving conspiracy. :D

A few years, a base jumper was caught by the NPS with one of the Muff books. The book had the names and numbers of some members. The NPS asked the FBI to consider the Muff Brothers as a subversive organization. Except for Easter Boogie, we aren't really that organized. ;)

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i suppose skydivers are like any other community, there are some who will play outside the box! not all skydivers are good people and not all good people are skydivers... ;)

"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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