
The dz.com ratio

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OK, obviously it's time to come up with a dz.com ratio.

It needs to involve how many jumps you have, how many posts you have, your daily post average, and probably time in sport as well.

Not to mention your opinion counts double if you have over 100 round jumps ;) (had to throw that one in there).

I'm trying to come up with something - um - meaningful.

For instance, I have ~1200 jumps, ~1890 posts, I've been jumping almost 28 years (well, 18 of them actively); my daily post average is 8.7.

posts /jumps * active years/post average = 3.2. That's a nice number. Someone come up with adjustment factors for ratings or team experience, wing loading and penis size -- OK?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Ok, I'll bite...

~400 jumps, ~ 10,000 posts, 3 years in the sport (may 21st), 13.4 posts per day

I got a rating of 5.59. Is that good or bad on your scale?

(you're not bored today, are you?:P)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm still teaching addition here to 8th graders so forget it. My brain is fried. Plus if you must include breast size I bow out gracefully before we even get started.

So Wendy, your new job must be boring.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Plus if you must include breast size I bow out gracefully before we even get started.

Why? When you're the proud "owner" of quite possibly the most perfect breasts known to man.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You forgot breast size (to counter penis size) and the number of months of actively posting on dz.com.

I refuse to participate unless these two variables are included. :P

I would think that different penis sizes would get different values. They seem to be valued differently elsewhere. ;)

A g/f told me that the 5 sizes for mens penises are 1-small 2-medium 3-large 4-OhMyGod 5-Does that come in white? :D

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That was the thread that made me think about just how meaningful it is ;)

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wendy, you do realise that your ratio is independent of posts numbers on DZ.com and as such doesn't reflect the post whore-iness of the individual (which some people seem to be quite proud of)

(No of posts)/(no of jumps) * (years in sport)/(post average)

(post average) = (no of posts)/(days registered)


(days registered) * (years in sport)/ (no ofjumps)

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i jumper your mother?

hey let's leave Mom's out of this !!!

wait, I read that wrong

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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ok, i got a 2.2 using wendy's calculation... now adjusting for penis length/ girth * weight of sack in ounces, I have an additional multiplier of 16.333333 so I guess my number is 35.933 :P

gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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