
Monkeys Beware.

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Once the mine goes off, they WILL be skymonkeys!

This Brings up a very good point my man. I guess they would be "SKYMONKEYS" for a brief moment and then "ANGELMONKEYS" :)B|

"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Watch it there, monkey boy. The Xkeys monkies ROCK!B|

LOL! But, alas, they are not SKYMONKEYS. B|Also of note is the fact that I have been jumping more than a decade longer than the most experienced X-keys "monkey". In all fairness, I have met them at X-keys and their popularity at their home dropzone does rival that of mine and the "mother" clan here at Raeford. Still, there is simply no comparison. :P


Oh yeah: "McMonkey Nuggets!" That's funny!

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the XKeys monkeys are pretty dedicated to their causes. i can think of one of them that sacrificed his car for the good of a potato gun... said monkey also went to the ER with a mullet and imnjury due to said potato gun if i recall correctly...

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entire boogie centered around the mullet.

why would they have a boogie centerd around a fish.... or do you mean the hircut???;)..lol...... down in florida where i lived for 6 months they had the mullets come through and the big thind was to go to a "mulet toss" where the rules are about that of a midget toss but you fling the fish.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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