
dating at the dropzone...

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I met my girlfriend (craichead) at the DZ, and things are going awesome.

RiggerRob once said "skydiving couples never break up, one just looses their turn". I've a few friends who're in the middle of less serious relationships at the DZ. One in particular seemed a bit upset by how quickly she lost her turn.

I think the success of dating a jumper at the DZ entirely comes down to making sure that both parties are looking for the same thing, and both understand what the other wants. As in all relationships, comunication is key.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Oh, I dunno, Chaz- sometimes ya just get lucky and find your soul mate at the strangest places (insert home DZ here)... I think it depends more on what each person wants out of whatever type of relationship they're looking for... 'course, 's always better if someone's up front about their expectations, too--B|

I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says... he is giving me a reputation I do not deserve!

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I cannot speak from personal experience but from what I have seen it is not good when things break up.

I have seen a couple of couples at my DZ and once they broke up one of them left the DZ. Oh they still come around just not as often. Usually jumpng at another dz.

With that in mind I would say that dating a person who normally jumps at another dz would not be bad. This way if things do not work out there is no tension on the dz for ya'll.

I say this but I have access to several different dropzones all within a stones throw of each other.

Also I ahve never dated a skydiver because I am always too busy jumping and the opportunity never seemed to present itself. Whenever I went out with the gang it was as a group to have a blast on the town. We always hooked up with wuffos though.

My two cents for what it's worth. B|

Blue Skies & Soft Landings,


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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:D Heh...well over a year now that I have been dating a skydiver from my home DZ. I would not change a thing.

It really depends on the individuals...are they mature enough to be in a relationship at the DZ...if it falls apart it falls apart, if one party does something stupid well then that is another story. It all comes down to maturity level of the parties involved.....:P
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Really it's big luv'able duffus

Yup got that one right on the head! :ph34r:
eeneR now preparing bunker to hide in>


Please don't give me a bad spot

No worries on that one...trust me...;)

She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I haven't dated anyone at DZ yet but I think it is a good idea. Of course there is always a chance to break up and suffer the consequences but having a girlfriend/boyfriend who jumps is a serious advantage because there will be no need to explain your passion for the sport and why you spend so much time and money doing it. After less than a year in sport I realized that it is becoming more and more difficult to find time for whuffo friends when you work hard, jump almost every weekend and want to jump more and more. How would attractive whuffo chick react when you refuse to go out, drink all night and have fun because you plan to get up at 6am next morning and rush to DZ :P

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---Warning..This advice coming from an asshole---

It's like dating a co-worker. If things go well, everything will be just peachy. But, if things go bad...things go way bad.
Do you want the weirdness and tension at the DZ? If so, go ahead and date at the DZ.

And good luck if you do.


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It really depends on the individuals...are they mature enough to be in a relationship at the DZ...if it falls apart it falls apart, if one party does something stupid well then that is another story. It all comes down to maturity level of the parties involved.....:P

I totally agree. I used to be part of the 'never date at your home dz' camp.... but I've changed my mind. If you think the person (plus yourself of course) can be mature about whatever happens then I say go for it. Otherwise you might miss out on a great relationship.

But I still say don't make a habit of it. ;)
Pink Mafia Sis #26

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...but not having a serious relationship.
Could that work? Or is it impossible to not get problems. Any experience or advise is welcome!

" Could that work? "....

:oB|.. Well,,, Let's find out!!!
Come on over and visit MY drop zone....and
we'll see...:ph34r::)
Dating,, without a serious relationship????.... Sounds pretty good to me... hahaha .... Just be sure that your love of skydiving and your love of being with the ENTIRE group of friends at the DZ.. does not suffer if you concentrate too much on One person....
Sometimes,, people who skydive can become VERY serious:o[:/];)...
....happy skydives..... jmy

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Only problem I have found with dateing another jumper, is that after 2 years you are a couple, and you are no longer a jumper by your own strengths. If I hear....."Oh, you're Derek's girl friend" one more time I'll scream.....hehe...of course he gets plenty of "Oh you are Kelli's Boyfriend." It does worry me sometimes when I get invited on loads that he is on if it is only cause he is my boyfriend. :S

To make a skydiving relationship to last though takes more than just skydiving together. You have to have intrests outside of jumping together. The more activities in common the easier it is to find things to do on weekdays and rainy weekends. Also, if heaven forbid one of you decides jumping isn't for you, you still have things in common.

Fly it like you stole it!

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skycat.....dufus huh? Well.....oh look! A penny! Neeto!

shiny things??? where???

oh, yeah, well, what Skycat said, i mean, Derek's girlfriend said, is right on. i think you gotta prove yourself too in the air, and be careful about getting on dives just cuase your SO is on them.

be careful, it can get very ugly... as the prop turns...


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