
IL law to punish slow assclowns in left lane!

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Finally! If you're going slow in the left lane, there WILL be justice!


IL law will punish slow drivers
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Springfield, IL March 27 -- Slowpokes in the left lane might have to pay for holding up traffic, under a bill passed in the Illinois House yesterday.

The bill would let motorists use the left lane only for passing. They would not be allowed to stay in the lane and block faster drivers.

Former police chief John Millner is sponsoring the bill. The Carol Stream Republican says people who violate the law would be ticketed.

Supporters say people who hog the left lane are annoying and deserve to be fined. The measure passed 99-to-13. It will now go to the Senate.

(The bill is HB1574. On the Net: http://www.legis.state.us.il)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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i was just thinking about this sort of thing on my way to the DZ on wed, for some reason all these farkin tour buses going to atlantic city and these slow-ass retarded new jersey drivers decide that they can get in the left lane when im trying to get to X-keys. theyre should be laws on lane usage, the right lane is for slow-ass people from new jersey and trucks, the middle lane(s) is for regular slow-ass people. and the left lane is for people going as fast as humanly possible. if your foot isnt against the floor move the hell over!!>:(

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We definitely need it here in western WA:)

yeah thats got to be the worst fault ive seen so far for WA drivers...the really stupid thing is there are signs every where that say "slower traffic move right"

people seem to think just beacuse they are travelling at the top end of the limit they must be going fast...:S
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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cough cough *hillside strangler*

right on the way to Chicagoland skydiving...and even at 8:00AM on sunday morning 290 slows down on this strip


"Consider the onramps coming onto the eastbound lanes of I-290 from the West. IL-38 is a short expressway (unmarked as such on many maps, trust me, it exists) that runs from IL-83 till this interchange. At the end of this short spur, the left hand lane becomes a 2 lane ramp, the right hand lane once again roosevelt road, with access to I-294 S (there is no northbound access here, from any direction, for at least 3 miles, with no signs directing you how to get there... Go figure. There is also no westbound access to I-290).
"This 2 lane ramp drops one lane (-1 lane for the interchange) and 250 yards later picks up a lane from I-294 Northbound. This lane drops shortly before joining the remnant of I-88 (-2 lanes for the interchange) After merging with I-88, this lane too leaves, and 100 yards later, one of I-88's lanes inexplicably leaves as well (-4 lanes for the interchange) leaving a 2 1/2 car wide shoulder on the right, a 1 car wide shoulder on the left and a single travel lane. This last lane is dumped unceromoniously onto the LEFT lane of I-290 with no acceleration zone (-5 lanes for the interchange).
"Did I mention that I-290 East is 2 lanes here? Also, this interchange is only about 1 mile long, meaning that some how, SEVEN lanes of traffic must reduce itself to TWO lanes in less than 1 mile? " [7Remy, Jason. More Highway Stuff. Personal email, March 26, 1999.]

My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Well, if you're behind some asshat going slow, you *could* call the sheriff's department on him/her...

So let me get this striaght ..its ok to calll the cops on someone driving slow ....but someone gets busted for smoking pot and everyone gets upset:S ........oh can I open the can of worms or what!!:P;)

Freedom of speech includes volume

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"slower traffic move right"

I just interpret that to use the right lane for passing:S:P And believe it or not, you actually travel faster on the right lanes coz the left ones are all crowded. And the HOV lanes... What's the deal w/ 24hrs day 7 days a week? And them State Patrol has got to laser tag during rush hour:S Like traffic is not slow as it is>:(

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but someone gets busted for smoking pot and everyone gets upset

Maybe everyone but me! If you get busted for pot, that's your own damned fault! I don't smoke out (and never have), and although I don't mind if other people do, I won't shed a tear for anyone that gets busted for it!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I would love to see the left lane for passing only enforced here in Ohio! That is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to driving (that is driving in the passing line when not passing.) Close second is having to brake when someone pulls out in front of me. If you gonna pull out there step on it dammit, and at least do the speed limit! If your in front of me doing the speed limit thats good, if you speeding well, that's even better.;) Heh, done ranting now.

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We got a lot of military dudes on this forum... And we all know that CrossKeys is one of the major DZs in the northeast. So what would it take to get someone with a tank to take out all those fucking tollbooths that cause good, decent skydivers to blow jumpticket-money every 500 yards?!!>:( ANYONE WITH ME HERE??? CAN I GET AN AMEN, SOMEBODY?!!

Makes me wonder why we're blowing up targets in Iraq!!:P

Speed Racer

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See, this is the kind of law that would be passed if I ruled the world. I would give out a whole lot more "obstructing traffic" tickets than speeding tickets.B| As far as I'm concerned, the sooner you reach your destination, the better.B|

Speed Racer

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i would just make the driving test LOTS more involved so it was something that you had to learn to do well before you were allowed to and all those who couldnt meet the standard had to take the bus..

of course since the oil companies control our govt (to a large extent, not trying to get political here but) we have a shitty public transportation system and its damn near a right to have 2.5 cars per person, so that will never happen
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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since we're on the subject, another driving rant...

"object fixation"

when the guy behind you rides your ass, until he's real close, then decides to go around..once around he realizes that we've been going 90 (on cruise control) for the last 50 miles and he really doesnt want to go that fast, so of course i have to go around him again..all the time i havent touched a pedal..

makes me want to launch pennies off my front winshield at them once i get back in front...>:(

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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speedy i hate to tell ya but i only hit one toll both(in nj anyway) when i went to xkeys from ohio..... i could get ya a airstike to take out the slow drivers though... i'll just have to make sure i tell the pilots not to miss and crater the road cuz pothole suck!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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