
When are we going to finally get rid of guns and war?????

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>I have to take it simple...like the 10 commandments. Obey those,
> everybody lives, nobody gets hurt. Those were God's first draft of
> rules to conduct ourselves by.

Well, except those had a lot of the problems that Phillykev mentioned above. The first four were:

1. You shall have no other gods before me.

2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Which are used, of course, to explain the need to kill anyone who worships animistic images. Or people who dare to work on Saturday. Or Sunday, or whatever you think the Sabbath is. Organized religions historically aren't known for a great deal of tolerance. They seem to have attitudes ranging from "kill the infidels" to "well, if he wants to believe in that, fine - but he's going to hell." (Buddhism is an exception, but it's more a philosophy than a religion.)

Much of the violence over the course of history has been driven by religion. The Crusades, the Salem witch hunts, the Inquisition, the English civil wars were all fought on religious themes. Like any other creation of man's, religion is just a tool. It can be used for good or for evil. Fortunately it's more often used for good, but not always.

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as long as there are people there wil always be guns and war [:/]

From Star Trek, we know that it's true.:P

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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In 1969, Country Joe and the Fish sang this at Woodstock.

It's pretty easy to see that not a lot has changed.


yeah, c’mon on all you big strong men
Uncle Sam needs your help again
he’s got himself in a terrible jam
way down yonder in Vietnam
so put down your books and pick up a gun
we’re gonna have a whole lot of fun

and it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn
next stop is vietnam
and it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates
well there ain’t no time to wonder why
whoopee! we’re all gonna die

well c’mon generals, let’s move fast
your big chance has come at last
gotta go out and get those Reds
the only good Commie is one who’s dead
and you know that peace can only be won
when we’ve blown ‘em all to kingdom come


well c’mon on Wall Street
don’t be slow
why this is war a-go-go
there’s plenty good money to be made
by supplin’ the Army with the tools of the trade
just hope and pray that if we drop the bomb
they drop it on-the Vietcong


well c’mon mothers throughout this land
pack your boys off to Vietnam
c’mon pops, don’t hesitate
send ‘em off before it’s too late
be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box

and it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for?
don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn.

I fully support our fighting men and women, but this war is something I sure do wish we could have avoided by other means.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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We need to get people to see that guns and hatered and war are BAD!!!!

You know I would have supported your arguement if you would have left the "Guns are bad" out of it.

Every single one of my guns are perfectly well behaved...they only kill or distroy whatever I choose to shoot them at.

my good side is forcing me to stop typing so I obey the rules.

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So, totally off the subject. I was in Georgia last weekend and I was at the local Publix as we were shopping for dinner. I'm browsing through their wine section when an employee says..."You can't buy wine on Sunday." Surely he is joking. "WHAT?" , I say. He tells me that it is Georgia law that you can't buy alcohol on Sunday. I am totally appalled by this. I say, well that law sure is making a blanket statement for everyone isn't it on what day they deem Holy. What if I am a Buddhist ? IN his most drawled out Georgian accent he says.." Ma'am..I guarantee there are a lot more Southern Baptists in Georgia than there are Buddhists.." I am still annoyed by the whole experience.

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ok folks this ones going to get me screamed at cause historically the human species has zero tolerance for this sort of excessively freed mindset, but....
its not the guns and wars that we need to outgrow folks what we need to outgrow is the strange delusion that there is this entity called a "god" and that it cares about what we do with ourselves. once and for all folks, WE ARE ALONE we are on our own. there is no justice, no payback, and no absolute morality except that which we decide to make and follow for ourselves. you know why i dont kill people? because its rude, because i have absolutely no right to DO that to someone else, and because, hopefully, if i dont kill anyone nobody will kill ME. its worked well SO far.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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damn. the first response i get to that admittedly provocative declaration and instead of the expected verbal nuke i get applause. thank you lazerq3, you just vindicated my faint hope for the maturity of our species. can you give me an AMEN!
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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While I agree in general, I don't understand one part of your post:

>there is no justice, no payback, and no absolute morality except that
> which we decide to make and follow for ourselves.

>you know why i dont kill people? because its rude, because i have
>absolutely no right to DO that to someone else . . .

But if there is no absolute morality, and someone else's morality says it's OK to kill other people, is it therefore OK if they kill other people, or you? Is your saying that you have no right to kill someone else just referring to your own interpretation of morality?

I think people have a right to live however they want, but their right to live however they want does not extend to killing whoever they want. There are a few absolutes; I think that's one of them.

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so many people "behave" themselves not because of personal strength of conviction or real greatness of heart but because they got brainwashed in early childhood by some child molesting whackjob in a robe into believing if they dont spend their lives in abject false humility on their knees theyll spend eternity being tortured by the dark side of the merciful god they worship. i think after we die there is nothing. just the cold white light of eternity. i also think it takes far greater strength to remain an honestly good person in the face of that awful nothing than it does to live a "good" life under duress and fear of eternal torture. one way of life is forced. the other is chosen. when you help others or make someone smile you have made more light. when you kill you extinguish someones light forever, and all the light they could have spread themselves. THAT is why killing is such a crime. im here to help make some light. when im gone i wont be remembered for my religious convictions or my charity or my job or my cool car. if im remembered at all itll be for how much brighter i left the world than it was as i found it.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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ok folks this ones going to get me screamed at cause historically the human species has zero tolerance for this sort of excessively freed mindset, but....
its not the guns and wars that we need to outgrow folks what we need to outgrow is the strange delusion that there is this entity called a "god" and that it cares about what we do with ourselves. once and for all folks, WE ARE ALONE we are on our own. there is no justice, no payback, and no absolute morality except that which we decide to make and follow for ourselves. you know why i dont kill people? because its rude, because i have absolutely no right to DO that to someone else, and because, hopefully, if i dont kill anyone nobody will kill ME. its worked well SO far.

Your point??


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um, i think i am a troll. im not sure what trolls are but if trolls are people who say stuff like what i just spewed, than yup im a troll. i think ill stop speechmaking now. few people feel as i do and even fewer want to hear about it.B|

evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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| -- The Zoo Keeper |
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Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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