
My cat is a freak

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I've had cats my whole life, so I'm quite used to their idiosyncrasies. But, nothing prepared me for the things that my cat Phoebe does.

Some of the things are cute, like when she brings her toys to us so we'll play with her, or when she'll go running through the house, jump up and wrap her paws around the door frame and slide down.

Some of the things are annoying like when we'll find the toys piled on top of us when we wake up in the morning, or when she chews on my son's Legos, or when she chews all the erasers off the pencils in the pencil jar.

But, her most freaky trait is when she drags our things around the house and deposits them in other rooms. At first it would happen while we were gone, and we figured she missed us. She would go to the kid's rooms and drag out a throw pillow or a stuffed animal. Then, we got really impressed when she was able to take a throw blanket off a bed and drag it through the house. Now, she's becoming obsessive. Her first obsession was with my son's soccer socks. She's able to pull open this bin that he keeps them in, and she digs past the regular socks and boxers, dumps them on the floor, and takes all the soccer socks. He finally got smart and started closing his closet door. But now, she's focused on my bra. Yes, my bra! All this week, I've taken my bra off at night to go to bed, left it on the bed, and every single morning I've found it in the middle of the living room! Last night I even buried it under my shorts and t-shirt. She found it, and the clasp got hooked on the shorts, so those came with it too! She's a freak, I tell ya! :S

Does anyone else have a cat who does these things? I wonder what it means when she drags everything all over.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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bwahahaha i got this critter loves to play with the little plastic curly things you peel off to open a milk jug, right? cat decided to teach me to play fetch, bugged me with a curl till i took it and threw it. game on! cat like bolt of lightning dashes off at warp 9.75, collides with the wall takes out some shelving comes back to me tail high spring in her step drops the curl at my feet and sits there with an expectant look. how cute. cat now builds little stashes of curls in hidden places and if im away fromthe house too long i find little piles of curls on my bed. freaky thing is the cat can do this in the pitch dark. i never knew how good their vision was till i saw the cat retrieve the curl from a totally curtained unlighted room. cat also LOVES to be spun on my computer desk chair. cat sees me coming dashes to get ahead of me and claims the chair before i sit. if i spin the chair hard and fast the cat will spread out wide hang on for the ride for as long as i can spin it. stop the chair and the cats head bobs around in circles for a bit and if the cat hops off she staggers around and falls over. as soon as shes undizzy shes back on the chair for more. weird animal.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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But now, she's focused on my bra. Yes, my bra! All this week, I've taken my bra off at night to go to bed, left it on the bed, and every single morning I've found it in the middle of the living room! Last night I even buried it under my shorts and t-shirt. She found it, and the clasp got hooked on the shorts, so those came with it too! She's a freak, I tell ya! :S
And strong too !!!!!!!!!!! From what I've heard (but not seen), that's got to be one of the world's largest bras.:o
Does anyone else have a cat who does these things? I wonder what it means when she drags everything all over.

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My kitty gets jealous when i'm on the phone. She jumps on me and tries to push the phone out of my hand. When i'm packing a bag to go away for the weekend, she climbs in it and when i try to get her out she swats at me. She refuses to drink water out of a plastic bowl. She hops on the sink and just whines until i come over and turn the faucet on for her. When she pukes, she finds something (usually a piece of my clothing) and carries it over to cover up the puke. When i bring her on road trips she gets all excited when i pass semis.

She may be odd, but she's still the best friend i've ever had. I get unconditional love from her!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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<>Ha-ha! My secret cat-hypnosis is working. Soon we'll have entire legions of hypnotized cats to conduct covert panty raids on college campuses. Bwaha-ha-ha.... Muah-ha-ha-ha... Muah-ha-ha-ha... OK, that's enough
Hearts & Minds
2 to the Heart-
1 to the Mind-
Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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i had a cat (dr. forbes) who was fairly weird. some of his 'things':

he would sit on my chest while i slept, and as soon as the alarm went off he'd whack me in the face with his 6-toed front paw. every day.

one day while i was putting on the right guard with him watching from my dresser, i lifted his paw and put some on him. he took a sniff, then left. every morning after that, he would sit there until i applied deodorant.

i clipped a tie to his flea collar thinking it would annoy the hell out of him and amuse me while he tried to remove it. he wore it for the day.

i'd let him out of the house in the morning when i went to catch the school bus, and every afternoon when i got home, he would come running around the house to meet me. i don't know where he was hiding. he loved to bring me things he had killed as well, birds, mice, moles, and one day, a rabbit almost the size of him.

my present cat tolerates two dogs and three ferrets and can often be found laying in the middle of a room, flat on his back, legs splayed out, sound asleep.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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i had another cat a couple years ago was really fast but not too bright...it ran at the side of a brick building 3 stories tall...brick is kinda porous you know...without changing speed the cat did a 90 degree change in direction and ran straight up the wall till it hit the eaves and couldnt go any higher. then it just hung there clinging to a brick wall meowing cause it realized it had screwed itself. finally made a nice float exit and landed on the bark stuff they put under evergreen shrubs.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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mine gets jealous when I'm on the phone too!:D Except he doesn't jump on me, he goes and finds something to break. Seriously. Then he gives me a filthy look and stalks off.
He's also got a habit of running off with my glasses. I'm really blind ok, and the other morning I reached out to put them on. Gone. Searched my bed. Not there. Felt around behind and underneath. Not there. I eventually found them in the depths of my beanbag. He carries them around by the arm. Damn cat!

Ooooh and did I mention my two bundles of joy, brought a snake, yes a live snake, into my bed the other morning? It was still alive when I managed to scoop it into a bucket, but don't know how long it lasted .....


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After reading all these stories, I really want a cat again!! As soon as my roommate's out, I'm getting one ... I miss them! They've all got such awesome personalities and reading this just shows how much more I love them!

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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And strong too !!!!!!!!!!! From what I've heard (but not seen), that's got to be one of the world's largest bras.

Haha, you have the wrong greenie there. I think you're thinking of the Bytch. If you've heard my boobs are big, then someone is definitely pulling your leg!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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One of my cats taught me to play fetch. Her fetch toy is an old scrunchy. She carries it around everywhere and whenever I sit down someplace she's there with it. Her brother has been known to take it from her and run away with it. Just like kids.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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I don't anymore but I had a cat while growing up. He was a constant source of surprise. Your cat's moving things around sounds like she's trying to show you that she's still in charge and that those pesky humans are only good around feeding time:)My cat always got frisky for some reason in the middle of the night. I often would wake up around 5AM or so, stumble half asleep to the bathroom only to have the cat run down the hall, ambush me from behind, jump up and sink his claws into my ass. B| It got to the point where, after waking up and still in bed, I'd have to get my head together to the point where I could plan out a defensive strategy so I could avoid his attacks.:)

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I know this sounds odd, but I my cat humps my rottweiler. He just adores her..he follows her around, and rubs against her, and when shes asleep, he makes his move..lol,(Yes he is neutered) He will also play tag with my son. They chase eachother back and forth, and if my son whistles, he comes running from out of no where and jumps on him.

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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Ha! That's funny! My brother's dog used to be obsessed with stealing my sister-in-law's underwear. He'd go in and steal it, then run all over the house with her underwear. One time, she caught him, yelled, "Duke! No!" so he swallowed it. They took him to the vet (they didn't think that swallowing underwear was very good for the dog) and they ended up finding a few more pairs of her underwear in his stomach. No socks or anything of my brother's...he just had some weird obsession with her underwear.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Had a cat, Prints, who when he wanted to go outside...wanted to go outside! He'd sit there and meow and scratch on the door until you'd get up (sometimes from a deep sleep) and let him out.

Then he'd want back in 10 minutes later! If you didn't respond in time, he'd run around the house, find an open window, leap up and grab the screen with his claws, rip it off and climb back in the house.

And heaven help you if there wasn't a window open....:S


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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he would sit on my chest while i slept, and as soon as the alarm went off he'd whack me in the face with his 6-toed front paw. every day.

Funny you should mention this. My cat sleeps on me all night. She loves to curl up and sleep on my back,stomach or butt..and as I move or roll over at night she just kinda gets up,does this little "lumberjack barrel-walk" maneuver and curls back up to sleep. Every morning she wakes me up by sitting on my head and mewoing,batting at my nose or hands and licking me until I give up and get out of bed to feed her. It doesnt matter how much food I give her the night before,if theres still any in the bowl or not..she still has to wake me up every morning when my alarm gets ready to go off. There have been some mornings I'm glad she was there to torment me because otherwise I'd have been late for class due to forgetting to set the alarm or not hearing it go off.

Today was different..she decided to wake me up early. I dont have class until 11..so I usually get up around 9:30 to get ready and drive to the college. Well, here comes the furball, meowing,licking,rubbing and batting my face to give me my wake up call. I roll over and check the clock.."crap! its 9:45 I forgot the alarm!" I get up, feed the cat and my ferrets, get ready, choke down some energy pills and oj on the way out the door. Drive the 20 minutes into town and another 10 to the college. While playing with the CD player in my truck I notice the clock says 8:30.WTF? That cant be right..**looking at watch** well shit! Apparently my cat decided to wake me up at 7:45 and not 9:45 and I misread the clock when I got up. I'm 2 hours early. So, laughing at myself and feeling like an ass I came back home to do some stuff and kill time before class. Gotta love the little hairball.:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Had a cat, Prints, who when he wanted to go outside...wanted to go outside!

Now that sounds familiar.
One of our cats (non-neutered male- a 'lover and a fighter' sort of cat) has this habit of showing up if I get home really late, demanding that he be let into the house and fed. After I feed him and brush my teeth, I usually open the door for him, since I know he can't stand being in the house for too long, and he usually stands by the door for at least five minutes before (usually) deciding he'll stay inside. Of course he always comes upstairs to my bedroom door twenty minutes later and starts meowing in this really deep, yodelling, I'm-gonna-die-if-you-don't-let-me-out sort of way. I swear the bastard must sense it when I'm on the verge of falling asleep.:D

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Hmmmm cats the bane of my life.

I grew up with cats and love them to bits, when we lived in Singapore my mum had 11 of them!! Always had cats, but where I live now, I cant have one.

So why are they a pain? Well as much as I love cats, they love me even more back. I've never met a cat that doesent like me. They flock to me everywhere I go. You know that guy off of charlie brown with all the fly's round him, well thats me with cats. >:(

1. Everyday I drive to work and park my car in the same place. There is a cat there, that wont let me walk off unless I've paid him attention. The same thing when I get back, I open the door and he jumps right in and sits on the passenger seat...refuses to leave.

2. More often than not if I date a girl and get invited back to theirs, there is always a cat. The girls gets annoyed cos their cat "has never been like that with anyone" and wont leave me alone. Its pretty hard to set the mood when a cat is so demanding.:S

and Finally one time when I was staying in Florida, the owbers cat had given birth to a litter recently and one of the little kittys (6-8 weeks ols) decided I was gonna be mom. The little bighter refused to go anywhere other than snuggled up under my neck..

But in saying all that, still miss the cats..:(

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Wierd cats? I had a wierd cat! Ripper (short for Ripcord) was a black and white devil with green eyes.

He'd play fetch, but he liked it better if we sat down and played catch with a hacky sack. He'd jump up in the air and snag the hacky, prance a bit, then bring it to whoever was closest for more throwing. He'd do this until he was panting.

He was a bad ass cat too; took no shit from anyone. He got out one day and ran into the wolf hybrid who lived on the property. Didn't see the exchange, but Mojo ended up with a chunk of Rip's claw in his nose. Rip was fine.

Another time he was sitting on the arm of the couch next to me when Dixon, the roomie's German Shorthair Pointer, came up and looked at him. Offended to the core, Rip leapt at him then proceeded to back him the entire length of the house. Hilarious - Dixon is backpedaling as fast as he can, Rip is going at him on two legs with the other two batting away.

The "curl" off the milk bottle was one of his favorite toys. He'd throw it around and play fetch with it.

:( Now I miss my Ripper... :(

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Kitty is at work with me today. She's busy exploring my office right now. The gas company is doing stuff to my apartment building so they're going in and out. I figured that would traumatize her too much. I kinda like having her here, maybe i'll bring her to work with me more often.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I've taken my bra off at night to go to bed, left it on the bed, and every single morning I've found it in the middle of the living room!

I have a solution.....you can take your bra off at my house, then your cat won't be able to find it.

I make this offer as a friend....I have no hidden motive or objective. :)

I have a friend who has an insane cat. She can tap on the window and scream "Butterfly!" and the cat will literally attack the window with his claws, and sometimes teeth. I was stoned the first time I saw this, and nearly laughed myself into a hemorrhage. :)


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He finally got smart and started closing his closet door. But now, she's focused on my bra. Yes, my bra! All this week, I've taken my bra off at night to go to bed,

Can anyone tell me what was said after this? I seem to have been temporarily distracted.:ph34r::ph34r::DB|
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Angelcat likes to play "kitty in a basket." She will crouch in a laundry basket or cardboard box and stare at the next passing human with loving eyes. Angel is not satisfied until you swing her basket back and forth for a couple of minutes.
Funny, but our other two cats are terrified of the game.

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