
Looking for an experiment-HELP!!

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Hi Trish,

WHat about a shape Vs volume experiment?

DIfferent shape containers, cubic, squat, tall & thin, rectangular, cylindrical, all of which despite their different shapes holding the same volume of coloured water!

OK, it's actually a perception experiment, but I'm pretty sure that at 7 years old a child is right on the cusp of being able to understand shape as it affects volume. As such, your daughter simply transferring the coloured water from one container to another of a different shape will seem impossible to most of the class.

Add the "Parlour-trick" bits to this, like "How do you get a quart into a pint pot?" take 3 identical containers (say, pint glasses), one empty, one full of water, one full of sawdust. show the empty one. confirm the other 2 are full. state you'll put the contents of BOTH the full ones into the empty one without spilling!

Obviously sawdust first, then water SLOWLY so it can be absorbed by the sawdust.

Then of course there's the one with the upside-down glass that doesn't spill water. Fill to the brim, card over the top to seal, and invert carefully. I'd sugest using a sheet of "plastic card" (get it from model shops).

Add in a "siphoning" demo with a tube, and you can also siphon using cloth!, ideally cotton, which can soak up and siphon using the capilliary effect!

Hope this helps,


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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How about something on volcanos.......you could build up the mountain in cross section and then use a tube connected to one of those soda machines to blow bits of paper and cork out...or use I think its called ammonium dichromate...when you light it, it makes rolling ash like a real volcano!!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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How about something on volcanos.......you could build up the mountain in cross section and then use a tube connected to one of those soda machines to blow bits of paper and cork out...or use I think its called ammonium dichromate...when you light it, it makes rolling ash like a real volcano!!

actually the best way to do this is to make a plaster of paris volcano. Now with a tin you make a 'well' inside and put in some vinegar that has been died red. When your ready add some bi-carb soda and tada!! Same principal can be used for other fun things that go bang B|:D but blowing up your classroom will most likely not get your son/daughter any brownie points...... :D

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One that was great locally was "can you really make cookies with the cookie dough in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream?"

It was listed as consumer science. I think the student in this case tried 2 different brands to see which made hte better cookies.

Another is "which band-aid works teh best?" using different brands on the shins of active kids. Works better when they're wearing shorts, of course.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm in desperate need of some ideas for my 7 year olds science experiment!!!! The ideas I have are either taken or too "adult";)

Measure how long different brands of battery run a flashlight, and do a cost comparison to find best value for money.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How about the Coke vs Pepsi one where classmates taste and chose their favorite.

Or the which carpet cleaner works best. This one can be expanded later on for the best value for your money.

Or which paper towel is stronger. Use nickels to measure the strength. A frame can be made to hold them using clothes pins and a cardboard box.

I have thousands of ideas in my science material so send a pm if you need more.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions, but I think I'll stay away from anything that can catch fire or blow up... hahah. Lots of great ideas though!

Hang in there FAber, I"m not sure what you did to your leg, but trust me it will eventually heal. Mine took over a year to get "straightened" out.

Thanks again everyone!:)

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