
Bombing Iraq

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I just got pissed with all the bleeding hearts.

I was there in 91, some very good friends of mine (jumpers) are out there now, may they keep safe.

They say War solves nothing.

Tell that to the millions of peoiple who died during WW1 and WW2, so that we can enjoy the freedom and quality of life we do in Europe today.

Tell that to the Jews who would possibly not exist if we hadn't acted to stop Hitler.

All I hope is that we will get some of those Tomahawks to sort out our own terrorist problem in Ulster.

But hey the IRA have only murdered a few hundred innocent people.

Blue Skies

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

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At the moment, I'd like to consider this poll under "skydiving's more embarrassing moments." I'm sure it reflects your feelings, but it's vicious.

Of course, I'm a bleeding heart. And it bleeds for people right now who are in danger 10,000 miles from home, and for those who are getting bombed.

Those people have mothers, and fathers, and children, and they're all creations of God. You could call them "our" people and "their" people, but that should always be a last resort.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Tell that to the Jews who would possibly not exist if we hadn't acted to stop Hitler.

Oh -- I didn't know Uncle Sam was the only one fighting the evil from Germany...

I just got pissed with all the bleeding hearts.

I'm sure the people who do not support war are pretty pissed off, too.


some very good friends of mine (jumpers) are out there now

I hope your friends survive.

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what i would like is for SH to have died the 1st night, funny we have not seen him except that one tape. No I don't believe carpet bombing nor would prez Bush. We will liberate Iraq make not bones about it.

Funny thing about the "peace marchers" are throwing things and destroying stuff.

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Thouse are really extrem choises,hope you dont act that personal.

I were/are against war,however now we are in the mitel of it all,lets stand behind our troops,helping them what we can and clear the problem once for all.
The worst thing i can imagen at this point would be to recall our troops,so the dead have been for nothing.Lets make Irak a place were Iraks can live,and where they can speek free,even if its against us.

I hope the best for troops on both sides,i hope that the Irak troops can see that they cant survive a war like that,and then surender or better goes against their own leaders.I hope the koalitions troops will spear as many lifes as posible and only use the weapons to do the job.

Iknow one whos son is on his way down there(Danish Olfreft Fisher/a ship),i hope its all over before they arive,hell i hope the leader has surendered as i write this.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Can you say dumbass poll?

Talk about rigged--not to mention showing your partisan colors.
You must think like our little Caesar--in binary code only.
Either you're for war, war, kill, kill, go USA, patriotic, "Shock and awe"--or you're
a candyass appeaser, pro-Saddam, peacenik, traitor, anti-semitic, unAmerican, blah, blah, blah

Man--what a waste of time.................................
“Keep your elbow up!"

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That's one of those polls intended to give you the answer you want. Try these on for size:

Do you support:

a. a women's right to choose, or
b. laws that take away women's rights?

Or how about:

a. killing fetuses, or
b. saving the lives of millions of children?

Would you honestly answer the same to both?

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I hope the koalitions troops will spear as many lifes as posible and only use the weapons to do the job.


Sorry .not to misunder stand.imean only kill if theres no way else

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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