
How much are normal jump tickets at your US DZ???

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I am pretty sure it is above 15,000 FT MSL that O2 is required to be available.

I have seen O2 used in CO maybe 2-3 times, and then it was by the Instructor, just because he could, until the pilot took it back. If people actually used it, then I could see a small added expense (O2 isn't expensive), but again, no one uses it. O2 as a justification for higher lift prices in CO doesn't fly.


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We pay eighteen to 12500 @ Kapowsin, that just went up about a year ago. I know the DZ has to feel the impact of the price hikes. I know I have. Sure would be nice to see the goverment declare war on the bastards that keep jacking up the prices before we even go to war, what a load of shit.

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I am pretty sure it is above 15,000 FT MSL that O2 is required to be available.

I have seen O2 used in CO maybe 2-3 times, and then it was by the Instructor, just because he could, until the pilot took it back. If people actually used it, then I could see a small added expense (O2 isn't expensive), but again, no one uses it. O2 as a justification for higher lift prices in CO doesn't fly.


I thought the higher prices in CO are because it takes more time and energy to propel an aircraft upwards through thinner air.

. . =(_8^(1)

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I thought the higher prices in CO are because it takes more time and energy to propel an aircraft upwards through thinner air.

Turn-around times seem to be close to sea-level times. I usually jump from a Caravan that routinely gets 0.3 (18minutes) turn-around times. That is total tach time from take-off to landing. Standard price in CO is $20.00.


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$21 to 12,ooo feet AGL? Dude, you need to move to California. Skydive Monterey Bay frequently offers 18,000 foot jump tickets including oxygen for $18.00 and $15.00 to 15,000 feet. It is ALL GOOD and our freefalls generally last 75 seconds per jump.:)

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In 1996 the average jump ticket price was $17, and in 2003 we're at $21. That is a 23.5% increase in 8 years of jumping, or 2.9% increase per year. You don't need to be an economics major to realize that DZO's across the country are doing a DAMN GOOD job at keeping well below the national inflation rate.

If you have a problem with jump ticket prices, you need to go and talk to your boss about your annual raise.

Another option is to acquire some ratings and start collecting from the DZO instead of giving. (or pack one tandem rig at the end of the day)

Japan was mentioned, and I lived there for 2 years paying $63 to 12,500 AGL in a POS Caravan with neither a door or seatbelts (winter too). $21 in a Super Otter is a sweet deal in comparison.

Next time your car requires drink, take a look at that digital readout that lets you know how much OPEC is raping you for and imagine what your DZO is taking filling up that aircraft.

Jeremy Neas

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