
Ok...now these protestors annoy me...

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The Free Mumia crowd is outside with bull horns. The guy is a convicted murderer. Just because he'd able to put together a couple sentences and he's not your typical jail bird doesn't mean he's innocent.

Don't those assholes ever give up? His OWN LAWYERS said he's guilty!
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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They're right out in front of city hall today. Yesterday the Independent Black Contractors were protesting outside the electricians union for pushing them out of jobs. On Monday (and just about ever week) there were protesters across the street at the Israeli consulate on opposite sides yelling at each other in Hebrew (Israelis for a Free Palestine vs. some other group of Israelis). The best part about them is they chant in Hebrew and hold signs up in Hebrew and noone except them knows what the hell they're talking about.

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There was a funny article about a protestor in Washington State today (not a free Mumia protestor - but a protestor all the same)

"...OLYMPIA -- A man spent hours chained to the wrong building Tuesday in an ill-planned effort to protest war with Iraq, police said.
Jody Mason padlocked himself to an entrance of the Washington State Grange building at 924 Capitol Way S., thinking it was a sub-office of the U.S. Department of Energy.....

He told employees he'd chained himself to the building in civil disobedience Monday night after listening to President Bush's televised ultimatum to Saddam Hussein. ......

Grange employees explained that he was at the wrong building. The Grange is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group that advocates for residents in rural areas. ...."

Dumbass! :D:D - I have no problem if you want to express your views (whatever they may be) - but at least make sure you have the right place.


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