
Narcs at the DZ/Boogie!

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This is not a reply to billvon's post... I just want to say one thing... Who in the hell cares about all this garbage. We are here to jump. If you want to cloud your mind with laws and a bunch of crap that means nothing... go ahead. As for me, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. As long as it hurts none.

Jump your ass off, and contradict yourself as much as possible. /bong!

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actually i will not go to jail for any reason. ever. I will die defending my freedom from those who would take it from me no matter what I “did”. (even if they are "just doing their job") the only box any government will ever put me in is a coffin and they will bury many of their minions with me when they do…

This is both amusing and troubling, due to the inherent contradictions.

You are putting an extreme value on your personal freedom. Great! Then you go on to say that you will defend it to the death, even if you are wrong, and try to take out lots of police with you as you go.

So the police mean nothing, either from a governmental role or from their own perspectives as human beings and fellow citizens. So in your disregard for their lives, even when doing their jobs according to the laws of the land in which you live, you completely diminish the value of their freedom. According to you, they don't even deserve the freedom of living if their paths cross yours in an enforcement capacity. So freedom means nothing to you. Equality means nothing to you.

When you realize that the only avenue to the rights and freedoms you claim to value is through acknowledging the rights and freedoms of others, you will ascend to a higher level of understanding and a truer grasp of the meaning of citizenship.

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and the cops i talked to in amsterdamn did not have guns

mmm, then I can almost guarantee you they were not cops. They may have been issuing traffic tickets or something, but that doesn't make them cops.

And kallend, you have to be pretty brave to stick your finger in a dyke ;)

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What did the police do when you turned him in?

because he was not in possession of any drugs at the time, or UTI i had nothing to turn him in for. your sick pathetic ploy to try and antagonize has failed. sorry. (but, by all means, continue to humour yourself) the day a doper can make a fool out of me will "be the day" do your dope, cop your high, or whatever ya'll call it and leave abiding the laws to those of us who wish to "walk the straight and narrow" but i swear, the next person i catch on any dz with weed i'm ratting their ass out. whomever ratted the guy out from the first post here deserves accolades, and for those of you who cry "opression" get over it, or better yet, go "put the spin on one"

i shudder to think what may happen one day when all of the drug users are in office, if they haven't started to migrate to washington already, yeah that's right, wyubya is an admitted ex-cocaine user so it's already begun.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Safu that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stain, the stain becomes a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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"The Law Revision Commission has examined laws from other states that have reduced penalties for small amounts of marijuana and the impact of those laws in those states. ... Studies of [those] states found (1) expenses for arrest and prosecution of marijuana possession offenses were significantly reduced, (2) any increase in the use of marijuana in those states was less than increased use in those states that did not decrease their penalties and the largest proportionate increase occurred in those states with the most severe penalties, and (3) reducing the penalties for marijuana has virtually no effect on either choice or frequency of the use of alcohol or illegal 'harder' drugs such as cocaine. ... Based on [our] review, the [Connecticut] legislature should review and further consider as a strategy option establishing the offense of infraction for adults twenty-one years of age or older who possess one ounce or less of marijuana."
- Connecticut Law Review Commission. 1997. Drug Policy in Connecticut and Strategy Options: Report to the Judiciary Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly. State Capitol: Hartford.

"The criminal sanction for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana for personal use by a person aged eighteen or over should be eliminated. ... Having reviewed carefully the information available on marijuana and its effects, and having heard from various representatives of law enforcement, corrections and the courts, we believe that taking this step will result in greater availability of resources to respond to more serious crimes without any increased risks to public safety."
- New Mexico Governor's Drug Policy Advisory Group. 2001. Report and Recommendations to the Governor's Office. State Capitol: Santa Fe.

"An objective consideration of marijuana shows that it is responsible for less damage to the individual and society than are alcohol and cigarettes. ... A further consideration in forming a reaction to the wide use of marijuana is that it is a source of conflict between generations and of disrespect for the law. ... The Panel therefore suggests that the law be changed to permit cultivation [of marijuana] for personal use."
- California Research Advisory Panel. 1989. Twentieth Annual Report of the Research Advisory Panel. State Capitol: Sacramento.

"The existing evidence on policies of partial prohibition (marijuana decriminalization) indicates that partial prohibition has been as effective in controlling [marijuana] consumption as complete prohibition and has entailed considerably smaller social, legal, and economic costs. On balance, therefore, we believe that a policy of partial prohibition is clearly preferable to a policy of complete prohibition of supply and use."
- National Research Council of the National Academy of Science. 1982. An Analysis of Marijuana Policy. U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC.

"Even assuming marijuana has some undesirable or harmful properties, prohibition through criminal law is not a proper approach in controlling these properties and effects. ... The [California] Legislature should adopt a program of decriminalization making simple possession of marijuana for private adult use an infraction, if anything."
- California Legislature Senate Select Committee on Control of Marijuana. 1974. Final Report: Marijuana:

"The Commission recommends only the following changes in federal law: Possession of marihuana for personal use would no longer be an offense. ... Casual distribution of small amounts of marihuana for no remuneration, or insignificant remuneration not involving profit would no longer be an offense."
- United States National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. 1972. Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding (The Shafer Report). U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC.

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What happens when someone goes to their car, gets high on something, and ends up killing someone on the way down b\c their judgement is impaired?

"Well, atleast we didn't bust him for illegal drugs."????

I admit, I didn't have the energy to read every single previous page so if its been brought up I am sorry :)

It seems like a DZ would be one of the last places drugs should be. Seems like adding a big jug of gasoline to an already hot fire.

If its been said, just ignore my ass :)


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I don't think anyone here is advocating getting stoned and then skydiving. But if that's you're stance, why not ban alcohol on the drop zone as well.

If someone gets high after the beer light comes on, they're only impaired for a few hours at the most. Alcohol impairment can last much longer. It's much more likely that people are jumping with alcohol in their system than anything else.

I agree, taking anything illegal to the dz is irresponsible because it threatens the welfare of the dz. But I don't agree that MJ is any worse for you than alcohol or that it should be illegal in the first place.

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because he was not in possession of any drugs at the time, or UTI i had nothing to turn him in for.

Would you have turned him in if he did? Not trying to antagonize you. Just trying to understand your conviction to "the law" that you stated earlier.

And please don't libel me. Just because I believe marijuana should be decriminalized does not mean that I'm a "doper". That's like me saying that since you argue against war in the other threads, you must be a terrorist.

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I agree with the alcohol argument, but...

If you drink when the beer light is on, it is legal. If you smoke up when the beer light is on, it is still illegal. You are right, bringing anything illegal to the DZ is potentially bad news for the DZ.

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I won't even pretend to be unbiased. I was a Deputy Sheriff for my home county for 2 years. I decided long ago that Marijuana makes people do REALLY stupid stuff. Nothing I can prove, but people on that stuff tend to do some amazingly dumb stuff which ='s BAD news at a DZ. How did I come to this assumption you ask?

My first week out of the academy, I was walking behind the jail at Downtown Birmingham and I was about to cross an intersection to get into my pov when I look into a car [email]as I am passing to see a guy and girl hitting on a pipe. OMG. Can this be happening? 30 feet from the jail door? Sure enough, they were stoned out of their mind and I decided then and there the shit was definatly bad.

I think drinking alcohol while anyone is still going up in the air is reckless too.

Maybe its because I am new to this, but I feel like I have to be on my toes out at the DZ. So many different ways to hurt myself or worse another jumper or spectator. You want to smoke pot at your house. More power to you. You want to smoke pot or do other illegal drugs at a DZ? God help you if I see you b]\c I am going to jerk your ass out of the car so fast and make sure you got to jail. Maybe I am a prick, but to me illegal is illegal.


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then you bust their ass for DUI and vehicular manslaughter, just as you would if they were under the influence of anything else.

just to restate a point early on, the individual should be held accountable for their actions no matter what else may have influenced them.

no more "but he was drunk/high/abused as a child/came from a broken home/mentally insane" no excuses

give the rights and responsibility back the individual

everyone with a gun is potentially a killer, everyone with a car is potentially a speeder but until they break a law that interferes with the rights of another the government should BTFU

no at all i fully understand the implications of that statement. My personal freedom is more important than their lives. After all i dont live their lives, i live mine and will not ever do so from a cell. when their freedoms imperil mine, mine take precedence. In their role as LEOs they are not acting as individuals but instead as agents of the state attempting to take away my personal freedom. Equality is a meaningless term if someone is losing their ability to make decisions by the actions of the state

i totally disagree as to your view of the 'only avenue" we are participating in an ongoing political experiment, some parts of that experiment are incredibly good, some are rather pathetic.

The continual decline of the individual to determine his or her own fate without (what i find) unnecessary interference from the state (whos sole responsibility should be to protect us from each other) is one of the pathetic. I am further not interested in becoming a “better citizen” of any society that thinks that its will is more important in determining my path than my own.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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actually i will not go to jail for any reason. ever. I will die defending my freedom from those who would take it from me no matter what I “did”. (even if they are "just doing their job") the only box any government will ever put me in is a coffin and they will bury many of their minions with me when they do…***

OK, I ignored this "threat" the first time I read it. Since this is the second time youve said it, I'll go ahead and call you on it.

I cant count the number of entries Ive made on "armed and dangerous" subjects who have vowed they will "never go back to jail" etc. They'll shoot it out with the cops when they come for them blah blah blah.

Every one of them, save for one, punked out. Curl up on the floor, whimper for mommy. More than one had stains in their pants when they were carted out.

The one sole standout, came out of his bedroom armed with an SKS rifle. When I announced he was about to die via multiple rounds from a Colt Commando, he punked out too.

We dont come alone, we come heavily armed, we dont fight fair.

As one of those people "just doing their job" I take it personally when people make these type statements. You might as well have said, I'll kill any cop that stands in my way. Its about as offensive.

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no i said i will kill & die rather than surrender my freedom, if i were afraid to die i would not live my life in the manner i do.

leave me alone (which is all i wished for from the begining) and we will never have any issues. Come to take that which is most precious to me and blood will (regretfully and unnecessarily) flow. I understand very well you have a job to do, hopefully you knew the risks when you signed up for it.

its not a threat at all, its a statement of independence. somthing far to many modern people seem to lack.

I do not infringe on the freedom of others and i expect the same consideration from the state as well as from other individuals. Unfortuantely the state does not care about individual rights that go against their doctrine.

"those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither"

most people fail to see how much freedom they give away daily.

indeed when it comes to life and death, there is no such thing as fair, assuming that there is will only remove you from the game that much more quickly.

when you stare death in the eyes you'd best be ready to kiss her

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no i said i will kill & die rather than surrender my freedom, if i were afraid to die i would not live my life in the manner i do.

ROFLMAO!!! Big words. I hope you have the guts to live up to them. I would really be surprised.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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First, I want to thank you for posting to this thread. You make me laugh.


leave me alone (which is all i wished for from the begining) and we will never have any issues. Come to take that which is most precious to me and blood will (regretfully and unnecessarily) flow. I understand very well you have a job to do, hopefully you knew the risks when you signed up for it.

So, your pot is most precious to you? You'll kill to protect your pot? I just want to be sure I understand you.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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I have to agree with the above post. I figure I'll probably see you getting either hauled off to jail or shot dead on Real TV /COPS with an attitude like that. So I guess that means you are always packing eh? Some how I think you bark is bigger than your bite. But I can see it now....."bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do zenister when they come for you?"

Once it airs we can post on the Forum about how ya got rolled up. Just think...you'll be famous...just like Billy the kid. Soooo, what's the next boogie you plan on attending? I figure if I get it all on video I can make a few easy bucks.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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some days i hate internet forums, no one seems to really read for content, or perhaps the content isnt written well enough express the idea in a way that is easily grasped.oh well[:/]

no i will kill to protect my freedom, i'm sorry you dont feel the same way. good thing your forefathers did eh?

having fun guys? cool i hope so, point and ridicule all you like, it really means nothing to me. knew i should have left this thread alone, all the childish mocking was bound to occur, but somehow i expected skydivers to understand the meanings of the words freedom and self determination better than your average wuffo

i sincerely hope i never have to prove how serious i am about defending my freedom, and that none of you are ever in the position of trying to take it from me. I’m not making some bold pose as you assume, or trying to be "billy bad ass". I’m simply expressing my desire to be left alone to risk my life in any manner I chose.

Lou assuming i'm back from Kuwait/Iraq by then i'll be at Perris for memorial day, come out and play and we can discuss this over a beer or two. assuming they arent illegal by then, you never know with all these people around who seem to think that freedom is something unimportant, and that a willingness to defending it is a joke.

KMC i'm sorry if the people around you habitually say things they dont mean, it seems to have made you believe everyone is like that.

and now back to the jeers
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I don't want to antagonize anyone, but I think your comment "i shudder to think what may happen one day when all of the drug users are in office" is a bit out of line...it seems to me a an appeal to consequences with insults up its sleeve.

Intoxicants like any other good have positive and negative qualities. I mean good in the economic sense and positive and negative in the in the moral sense.

The threshold at which you decide the negative qualities outweigh the positive qualities is ultimately a personal decision, though it may be shaped by family, religion, society, etc as are most personal decisions...it sounds like most intoxicants are not a good to you at all...

But that does not mean that people renounce their citizenship when they consume intoxicants, legal or illegal. The notion that they do is absurd.

I think that to rationally pursue this debate we must accept that intoxication (or abstinence) does not fundamentally alter a person's humanity.

My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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no i will kill to protect my freedom, i'm sorry you dont feel the same way. good thing your forefathers did eh?

You are comparing your willingness to kill over MJ to my forefathers rebelling against non-representation in their government? OOOOOOOOOk.


KMC i'm sorry if the people around you habitually say things they dont mean, it seems to have made you believe everyone is like that.

I haven't seen anyone walk the talk yet. They have all dropped to the floor begging not to be shot. It aint like the movies. It is scary and all of the high ideals take on a new meaning. I hope you figure that out before you do something stupid.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Lou assuming i'm back from Kuwait/Iraq by then i'll be at Perris for memorial day, come out and play and we can discuss this over a beer or two. assuming they arent illegal by then, you never know

Right now I am tentatively planning on being there. I just got back from a short trip and have a few more ahead of me. I'll have a better idea after next friday wheather or not I'll be around in time to make Perris or getting a better tan.


with all these people around who seem to think that freedom is something unimportant, and that a willingness to defending it is a joke.

I don't think anyone thinks defending freedom is a joke. The idea that your willing to kill a man who is simply trying to do his job and enforce the law sounds a bit over the top and Anti-government.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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last post..on this subject..since rational debate has given way to insults and ridicule.

self determination exists at every level. I never said (go back and read slowly, mouth the words if you have to;)i can be just as insulting as you.) i would kill over MJ. I said i would kill to protect my personal freedom from anyone who tries to take it from me. Not the same thing at all, no matter how often you attempt to put your meaning to my words.

"its scary"

no shit. i figured that out long ago. I am fully aware of what the barrel a gun looks like from both sides and what happens when you start pulling the trigger, I know exactly what a .45 will do to someones torso from close range. Stop acting like your the only one with any REAL idea of what the world is like, or who has ever been shot at.

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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