
So you guys are going to impeach Bush, huh ?

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Yep. The story around this one will end up being one of "tales told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." It's unfortunate that impeachment has become the threat of anyone who doesn't like what a president is doing.

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Iraqi workers displayed a controversial drone to the public. Labeled a threat and "a smoking gun" by Secretary of State Colin Powell, The Washington Post reported the drone was held together by duct tape and rubber bands and was powered by a "weed-wacker" motor.

Weed wacker motors would be great for this kind of application.
- Cheap
- Readily available
- Can operate with all kinds of debris in the air
- Can operate at many angles

Some ultralights are powered by chainsaw engines!

And as far as duct tape is concerned, has anybody ever seen jumpship *without* duct tape?

Duct tape is like The Force: It has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together.



If you don't believe me, ask me.

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I concur whole-heartedly, Bill. Kind of like with Clinton. I may not exactly like what he did since he was/is a married man, but that's his business and it didn't have jack schitt to do with running the country. I still can't believe how far that one got.

Truman Sparks for President

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Oh, and I agree with you on that one, Titanium. The first thing I thought when I read that about the drones was. "Hmm, that's a lot like making explosives from common household items." It seemed like efficient, cheap, effective engineering to me. *shrug* That's just what I thought, though:)

Truman Sparks for President

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Okay, fine, but he lied about diddling the intern, right? A married man lied about having an affair is what I get out of it. Hey, I wasn't Clinton's biggest fan, I actually think the man's a sleaze ball, but it still struck me as a stupid reason to impeach a president. Did it show a certain lack of moral character? Yep. Would it have been right to kick him out of office over it. I don't think so. Just my personal opinion:)

Truman Sparks for President

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>it still struck me as a stupid reason to impeach a president.

Yep. To me, the biggest shame of that was not what he did, or what he got away with, but that a man who lied about cheating on his wife is now a matter that the entire US government should devote weeks to arguing about. Surely we have better things to do. Impeachment is a way to protect the country from people who abuse the power of the presidency, not to get rid of a president you don't like because he fooled around with an intern (and lied about it.)

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Not even to mention the incredible amount of cash that was wasted in investigation.
Like ANY President didn't think about boinking some chick in the oval office, the first thing when he walked into the place.......I'm betting the train of thought goes something like this:
"No shit? I'm the most powerful man on the planet?"
"HMMM....I wonder what Marilyn Monroe would look like bent over that desk?"

So for what 90% of males would do in Slick Willie's position (no pun intended) they spend how many millions on investigating?

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Not so stupid if you look at the fact that the Democratic party lost control of Congress under Clinton's watch. Had this played out in Britain a vote of "No Confidence" could have ended the whole ordeal with much less fanfare, and much more effectively. The sleeze could have been removed with nothing more than a "Sir, your time is up."


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> I think the issue was that he lied under oath, not that he lied about
> cheating on his wife.

He lied under oath about cheating on his wife. There's no excuse for lying under oath, but I would hope most people can see the difference between "I didn't fool around with that chick" and "I performed illegal surveillance on my political opponents with US funds" or "I funded an illegal war without telling congress." One's a stupid lie that most men have told at one time or another; the others are serious issues.

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I would hope people could see that. I hated Clinton, but COME'ON ... If you were asked publically if you cheated on your wife, you would have to lie.

If it affected his job that is one thing, but this is his private life and none of my business. I really never wanted to hear about the "Cigar" thing or a spotted dress.


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He lied under oath about cheating on his wife. There's no excuse for lying under oath, but I would hope most people can see the difference between "I didn't fool around with that chick" and "I performed illegal surveillance on my political opponents with US funds" or "I funded an illegal war without telling congress." One's a stupid lie that most men have told at one time or another; the others are serious issues.

Agreed! :ph34r:

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As a military person myself to say bad things about my commander-in-chief as well as saying he should be removed from office is grounds for a court marshal. In war times and extreme cases it could be punishable by death. I say F*&K ALL OF YOU anti war people who agree with this article.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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As a military person myself to say bad things about my commander-in-chief as well as saying he should be removed from office is grounds for a court marshal.

Was that true before Bush was in office, too?


war times and extreme cases it could be punishable by death

So if we're at war and I call GWB an idiot it's treason? Bullshit. The president is the commander in chief, but he is not the country.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Was that true before Bush was in office, too?

I do believe so, Wendy. Not sure, but I recall hearing about that when educating myself about Viet Nam...

So if we're at war and I call GWB an idiot it's treason? Bullshit. The president is the commander in chief, but he is not the country.

I think it has to do with if you were in the military, dissention among the ranks and that kind of thing. Again, not sure, but this isn't new (I don't think).

I am sure some of our active/retired guys/ladies can give you better info, I just wanted to chime in here.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Was that true before Bush was in office, too?


I do believe so, Wendy. Not sure, but I recall hearing about that when educating myself about Viet Nam...

I was thinking more about Bill Clinton, who was also commander-in-chief. There were people saying that didn't really apply in his case.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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looked like an interesting read, as I scrolled through it at a 100 bilion billion miles an hour. way to much work to even read 1 sentance for my taste, but i'm sure it was quite interesting. in factomundo. I'm just post whoring to get my #'s up, tired of being an old hand.
whats worse than liberals is those tree hugging hippies that put fuckin huge nails in trees to send shrapnel into the heads of chainsaw operators.
fuck it, 40 oz to freedom an what not,

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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I was thinking more about Bill Clinton, who was also commander-in-chief.

LMAO, woooo! That is a good one.:D

A member of the military can say what they want about the CIC as long as they don't associate their statements with the military in any way. IOW you can't use your rank, be in uniform, etc. during the statement.

Oh, and as long as they don't threaten to kill him. That will earn a visit by the SS post haste.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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