
Can your pets tell when you're depressed?

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btw, the preceding insult was delivered especially for Don, who says hello and that he wishes he could be here insulting you himself but he fried his computer and won't have a new one til late this week.

Can you pass this on to him, then: Shut up, I hate you. :ph34r:
Skydiving is for cool people only

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both my dog and cat can-i think. Usually if i am sad, my little dog comes over, lies down next to me and puts his head down on my leg and just looks up at me...its so sweet. If i am lying down, he usually cuddles up with me and doesn't leave till i am happier. hehe soemtimes he even sighs after i do...awwww
My cat will usually cuddle up with me too. hes really afffectionate, but i think when i am sad, hes even sweeter than usual :)


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Of coarse my dog can tell...especailly when hes launched across the room he really knows I'm in a bad mood!!:S .........

OH I'm jsut kidding ;).. please no calls to PETA Or I'll launch them across the room:oB|:)

Freedom of speech includes volume

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my boxer is soooo smart and he knows when i am happy, sad, upset or whatever...........we had to put down his best friend and our puppy a month or so ago and he knew what had happened. we were sad, he was sad and all he wanted to do is hug us! :(:)

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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who gives a fuck if theywe can tell when you're depressed. fuck you. theywe at least realize that you should fucking cheer up and play with them us. right now. and give us some food while you're at it.


-the Bird.
Speed Racer

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I was bed ridden for about two months once and my cat only left my side to eat and shit. coolest cat in the world, she would sleep right next to my head.
any time I moved she would stare at me until I went back to sleep. I damn near died, but I know she was pulling for me. my fam tried to take her to the vet and she clawed that crap outta my mom and came right back to me

A good friend will bail you outta jail... A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!!!'

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I'm sure you're correct, but I was too lazy to look it up.

But "editrixi" looks like it could be correct also.....words that end with 'x' have an 'i' added to them to make them plural.

We could ask Jess, but she probably wouldn't know....and I'd hate to embarrass her in a public forum like this. She has a very fragile psyche.


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But "editrixi" looks like it could be correct also.....words that end with 'x' have an 'i' added to them to make them plural.

I was basing my guess on the general rule of pluralizing words ending in *rix. For example, 1 matrix, 2 matrices; 1 aviatrix, 2 aviatrices...


We could ask Jess, but she probably wouldn't know....and I'd hate to embarrass her in a public forum like this. She has a very fragile psyche.

If you say so, but from what I've read, she has neither a fragile psyche nor a limit to her knowledge of English grammar rules...


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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