
Freebird, did you get to jump?

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Good for you Freebird!!!
That was fucking awesome of you to be humble enough to apologize. The only problem is, you've got everyone here using the word fuck in any possible situation. We have all become potty mouths.
Excuse me, but I have to have my mouth washed out with soap.
Such an interesting monster with such an interesting hairdo.

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You know..........Im not trying to win a fucking race.......or see how many fucking jumps I can get in..... (in a fucking week). I like to skydive when I fucking feel like it. If I have to fucking pay a JM $ 110 every fucking time... I fucking want to jump ....I fucking will!........Your not hurting my feelings by saying all of those remarks about me not jumping . Thats all I fucking have to say. Im not directly focusing my anger on any one person..........Thank your for your reply.


I think that your signature should read:\

"The longer you fuck........the more fucking you get."

Instead of:

The longer you wait ........the more sense you get.

Since you seem to have such affection for the word.

Heck, thats post is 9% fuck.

Here's your sign.......

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Hey Viking, has anyone mentioned that your Avatar looks like Nirvana's Nevermind album sleeve?;), which is only slightly older than this mean spirited thread.....


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Fuck! Ass!

(alright, what movie is that one from? It's pretty obscure, I doubt people will get it...:D).

I fucking hate when I read a fucking thread and get halfway through it before I realize it's sofa king old!

"How bout you make like a tree..and get the fuck outta here."
"Fuckin what the fuckin ? Fuck. Who the fuck ? Fuck this fuckin. How did you two fucks ? FUCK!"
"Well he certainly illustrates the diversity of the word."
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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This would have been better off burried but since i read the whole damn thing I had to say I have never hears the F*** word used so many times in one thread. This was hysterical! (And I like that word:P)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Wow this is a blast from the past. Thank you greenies for cleaning up any vileness that bringing this back up was suppose to cause.

For the record this was a mis-understanding a year ago, TG jumps with tiff everytime she comes out. I would too, but I moved to another state.
Fly it like you stole it!

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