
Virtual skydiving - 2nd worst.

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Just picked up the latest issue of PC GAMER. As I scanned through it I found out that American Laser Games (I've never heard of 'em either) released Mad Dog McCree for PC. I think it was in arcades like a freakin' decade ago. It was HORRIBLE, I vaguely remember playing it. Well, PC GAMER gave it their "official" rating for the game - a score of 4%. Why is this important? Well it's not, but it DOES mean that Skydive! by Electronic Arts (rated at 5%) is no longer the worst game of all time ever produced for the PC.

woohoo :S

(Yes, I'm bored)

EDIT: Changed Subject for shits and giggles. Then changed it again 'cause I'm stupid.

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That game is awesome! My head came off a lot though :|

alot? ok can we get this guy outta the sky?!?!?!?!


A good friend will bail you outta jail... A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!!!'

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