
Smokers of the world unite

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I wouldn't go so far as to claim that smoking is cool. If anything it's dumb. I just hapen to enjoy a cigarette now and then. *shrug* Belittle me for it if you feel like it, I guess you have that option. You won't convince me to quit though, that's for sure, cause every time I hear people tell me how stupid I am I just want to go light up another one. But I will try to cough up some phlegm for you some time;)

Truman Sparks for President

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BWAHAHA, you've got a deal. Fair warning though, if I've been drinking the night before that could get scary. I'll make you a deal though. I never smoke around people it bothers, and I won't even smoke in my own home, so I won't smoke around you if you'll give me a warning at least before you contaminate the plane.

Truman Sparks for President

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Ah, the dreaded Taco Bell, nemesis to all jumpers, entertaining to a few. Sometimes I...er, I mean....some friends of mine (okay, I've done it a few times too), will eat all the taco bell and drink all the beer they can the night before a day of jumping just to have more potent gas.

Truman Sparks for President

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Ahhh smokers,a dying breed;)

Been 3 weeks and ya know what,I like smoking.Just cant do it no more.If I could,I would.And as far as people bitching about breathing my second hand smoke,YOU OWE ME FOR HALF A PACK;)


The Dude Abides.

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The years you add on to your life when you quit smoking are all at the end, and those aren't that much fun anyway.

I got smoked when I got my divorce. Does that count?
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Take care of someone that has had Cancer and you will change your mind.

Amen to that one. If it isn't the disgusting smell, or the insane cost , watching someone you love die a slow, painful lingering death from being eaten alive from the inside will make you think twice.

Instead of smoking for 40 years, why don't you just douse yourself in gasoline and light yourself on fire. Same end result, but you'd get 30 seconds of fame when you made the evening news. Depending on your status, maybe you'd get a Darwin Award to boot. ;)

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Day 1 of quitting for me. Here we go. Please Lord, help me through this.

'Course I smoked like a chimney last night, so the prospect of quitting is pretty appealing at the moment. [cough cough hAACckk!!]

Yuck! WHY, as otherwise intelligent, informed adults, WHY do we put ourselves through this? Did y'all know that it's going to take 10 YEARS for my lungs to fully recover? And that from the first day you quit (today, for me), your body starts the healing process? Knowing that should make it easier, make me able to turn it off, but all I know is that it's gonna suck. [:/]

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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congratulation, don't give up i remember for me was very difficult but somehow i'm in day 5, just be strong this is the worst moment tommorow you'll be much better .
the day before i quit smoking i,d maybe 45-50 cigaretes i felt same as you today
keep up don't give up
In heaven all the interesting people are missing.

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I can't get over how MUCH it costs to be a smoker!

Around here, a pack costs about $3.50. Which is comparatively cheap, from what I've heard.

Say you smoke a pack a day...that's ~$105 a month, or $1260 a year that you spend on cigarettes.

My goodness, that's a new container a year. Or a new reserve. Or a new Cypres. Or a helluva lot of jumps.

Whenever a smoker complains to me about not having a enough money to do one more jump...that's what I tell them.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Just thought I'd let you all know that I just got back in from enjoying a smoke and I did notice one really bad thing out there. The ground is covered in one inch of solid sleet, ice and various other cold wet crap. I didn't like it at all. I'll quit for good if it gets rid of this stuff.

Truman Sparks for President

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