
Will all the Pisceans please stand up. Please stand up!

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G'day all,

On this day, the 31st anniversary of my existence on this planet, I would like to hear from all the other Pisces people at DZdotcom. I am doubly fortunate in that it is also my day off!!

Don't be shy, you don't have to give away your age, but how about posting you day and month of birth?

I just might have a beer or two today, and probably tonite, and just may call in sick tomorrow. In the meantime, I will gladly raise a toast for all the other fishes in the sea!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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Yes, happy birthday. Hope you have a lot more to go with it!

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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3 - 18 - 54....:oDamn, that means in about 1 year and 15 or so days, :SI'll be the BIG 5 - 0:) I do realize that I am 48 now, and I sometimes kind of wish I was 28 again:) but sure as hell -- I'm glad I'm not 68.:( Yuh see, sometimes you have to look a little to find the "good things" in this life, but believe me, their there,;) I know they are.B| Happy Birthday to all of us "Pisceans":)

Steve M
>^..^for me -- SkyDiving is a life sentence -- for it has saved my life.

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3/28/1980 for me B|

Dave, next time you want to get into a discussion with me, go buy the beer first boy;). You are precisely 2 months older than my youngest brother, and I used to pound the hell of him when he was youngerB|. He is 6'4" now so I don't pound him any more;)

February 29th, 1968. Great year for wine. Students rioted all over Europe. Hans was bornB|. The world wil never be the same

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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.......:( cold Kelly, really cold man....... That's OK, I'll remember ya............ The thing about us "old guy's" is -- we're just too old and slow to fight ya fair, so you know we'll just have to "cheap shot ya" :)

Steve M
>^..^for me -- SkyDiving is a life sentence -- for it has saved my life.

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