
Packing - Do you pack or pay?

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I avoid packing myself if at all possible. Of course I have the luxury of already being out of school and a steady income. So keep studying! It is worth it in many ways. Good idea to pack for yourself if it means one more jump. Or if packing yourself means you can afford a coach to jump with you (no matter what level of experience you have) - good idea!:)

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I used to always pack for myself, mostly due to lack of money. Then it got to be because I was confident in my own ability and I knew how to pack it the way I want it. The last several times I have been to the dz I have used a packer and it's been just fine. I think I may leave it that way! They're so much faster than me any day!

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I pack my own rig but quite often will pay a packer to do the last pack job of the day. Packing when you know you aren't going to jump right after is a bummer so I'd crack open a beer and have it packed.


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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